Chapter 13: Don't know if you love me or you want me dead

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Two weeks had passed since Wanda's drunken episode and Natasha was craving the younger girl's presence fiercely. She had stepped back from their friendship a little to enable Wanda to spend more time with Carol, plus to give herself some head space. The two women still trained together and talked, but Natasha had put up an invisible barrier that prevented any flirting or emotional confessions. Natasha had decided it wasn't fair on her to keep sleeping with Wanda when she couldn't give her anything more than that. Given that they had only slept together twice, Wanda had imprinted herself on Natasha more than anyone ever had. The Woman was intoxicating. Natasha often found herself thinking about the little witch in the dead of night; her perfume, how soft her hair is, how she sighed Natasha’s name so sweetly when she would orgasm. Natasha replayed the night Wanda was drunk regularly, particularly when the girl had told Nat she was her "favourite thing".

Natasha zipped her combat suit up and began fastening her utility belt. She grabbed her ear piece and put it in place then headed to the door, opening it to reveal a pyjama clad Wanda about to knock.

Wanda's eyes widened slightly as they raked over Natasha's tight leather suit, quickly snapping up to her meet her gaze, knowing she had been caught staring.

"Like the suit Maximoff?" Natasha still couldn't resist teasing the younger woman a little.

"It’s good" she stammered, nodding.

"Is there something I can do for you Little Witch?" Natasha asked, head tilted. She hadn't meant for the question to sound so loaded with innuendo but it definitely was.

Wanda blushed.

"I just wanted to see you before you left. To make sure you would be careful"

"I am always careful. You know I've been successfully doing this since before you were born?" Natasha said lightly.

"I know, I just worry that’s all" Wanda said meekly.

"Are you going to go and make sure the boys are careful too?" Natasha asked, smirking.

"No. Just you. Just please come back safely ok? I don't know what I'd do without you Nat"

Natasha's demeanour softened at the sincerity in Wanda's words.

"I will come back Kroshka" she soothed.

"C'mere" She said, as Wanda threw herself into her arms.

Natasha had to brace herself against the unexpected force of the girl.

"I will see you in the morning ok? I'll make you waffles" she promised, stroking Wanda's hair softly.

Wanda pulled back and nodded.

"Please try and sleep tonight Little Witch. You can sleep in here if you want" Nat offered, mentally scolding herself for undoing all of the barriers she had put up over the past two weeks within 2 minutes.

"Or maybe see if Carol or Vision want to watch a movie or something?" Natasha offered, willing to try anything to ensure Wanda wasn't left alone worrying too much.

"Carol has gone" Wanda said plainly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise. Are you ok?"

Natasha was elated that Carol had left but genuinely concerned about Wanda's wellbeing.

"Oh I am fine, I knew she was leaving this morning. We will keep in touch." Wanda said lightly.

"Maybe I will see if Vis wants to watch some Disney" she mused.

"That sounds like a great idea." Natasha replied, chuckling.

"I've gotta get to the Quinjet otherwise Steve is going to have a fit. I’ll see you in the morning ok?" Natasha stated, double checking her guns and walking through the door.

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