Third wish

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-"What I wish for ?" he repeated. He had expected everything but that. 

He knew he was somehow important to Yashiro. She was the only person who ever stayed by his side. No matter what she learnt about him. No matter if he was a murderer. No matter how much of a trouble he could be. In the end, she was always there. She was the first person, his first friend. He didn't really know how to act, and was so surprised whenever she felt concerned about him. Yashiro Nene. Oh how he wished to have met her back when he was alive... maybe things would have turned out differently. Perhaps they would have stay together, forever? 

Now, she wanted to know what he wished for. Little did she know, the only thing he wished for was for her to be fine. He wanted her to stay by his side. He wanted her to stay alive. He wanted their childish adventures to continue... if only things could stay that way forever. 

She was the only person who had ever been kind to him, and sincerely worried about him. Even his previous teacher, Tsuchigomori-sensei, pretended, as he knew Hanako-kun's future was going to be fine. But that wasn't the case, and now, the only real person, the only caring person he had ever met was this kind, clumsy, forgetful, messy and naive person.  And he liked all her flaws. 

-"Why this question, Yashiro ?" he finally said. 

-"I just... I just wanted to know." she answered, awkwardly. 

He smiled nicely to her, he couldn't tell her what he wished for. Was it too weird ? He knew, they didn't have much time left... would he regret it ? Yes. But he didn't want to bother her with himself when she was soon passing away. She meant too much to him for that. 

-"Ohhh, is that another question from your magazines ? You want to know more about me that much ? Or maybe it is for a dirty thing, you ero-daikon." he said, suggestively as she was backing away. 

-"No it isn't !" She sighed, he was really hard to deal with, especially when talking about emotions. Maybe that was because he was a spirit... 

He laughed, seeing her flustered face. 

"Don't worry about me, Yashiro." 

He looked at her, she was back at cleaning. 

"As long as you're here, I am just fine." He thought, knowing the awful truth coming soon.

And as if the school heard him, the bell rang, signaling to Yashiro that she had to head back home not to get her parents worried. She took her stuffs, and walked toward the door. Before going out of the girl's bathroom, she faced him, and with the same sad smile Hanako saw everyday since she knew she was meant to die this year, she softly said : 

-"See you tomorrow, Hanako-kun." 

He waved his hand at her, feeling his heart heavy. He couldn't help but think that this might be the last time he would ever see her... This thought hurt him deeply, and with a kind smile, he answered : 

-"Bye, Yashiro." 

Once she left, Hanako-kun relaxed himself. He had pretended way too much to be happy for today, and an emotion he didn't know he could feel was spreading through his ghost body. He sighed, his eyes looking down. He knew he would have cried if he could, but he didn't allow himself to do so. 

Some Mokke came with a card game, and handed it to him. 

-"Are you okay, N°7-sama?" one of them dared to ask. It's not as if they ever cared about him, but they could still tell something was wrong. And they definitely know what. 

-"Yeah, I am fine..." He said, with a low voice. It wasn't as cheerful as when Yashiro was there at all. Now, that need of her to be alive could be felt in every word that his lips would allow to let go. 

They frowned, what could they do to help him ? They were so powerless. Their looks were now filled with pity, they wanted to be compassionate. 

He looked up at them, and clenched his teeth not to cry when he saw their look. Obviously he was hurt, he wasn't fine at all. But what else could he do, if it wasn't staying strong for her ? Her well being came first, and that until her death... 

He reached for one of them, and patted him affectionately. This was the first time Hanako ever did such a thing, but he found the Mokke kind of cute, looking like small rabbits which he loved. The Mokke tried to protest, saying that he wasn't a stuffed animal, nor a pet, but the others gave him a death stare that stopped him.  

-"Thank you guys." he whispered before smiling again as usual. "Let's play now!" he took a card and they began to play. Of course, the Mokke won. 

If I were to be you (Hananene)Where stories live. Discover now