Ninth wish

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( I advise you to put the music on loop so you can stay in the "mood" of the chapter. I searched for a longer version but couldn't find one even though that's one of the most beautiful OST I have heard. )

She ran a long time till she reached for the playground. There, she saw no one had followed her. She still decided to hide herself behind the stairs, and kept on reading her book. She didn't have much time, this time she didn't waste it by reading the past. She directly turned the pages till her future. Her eyes sought for clues. 

-"First date :  a catastrophe, thanks I already knew that from last time." she said, still disappointed. 

Her future couldn't be really long, as she only had a few months left to live... at least that's what she thought. But how shocked was she once she found out that there were only 2 pages about her future. 

-"W-what..?" she quietly exclaimed, not understanding anything. "How... how can my future be so short..?" 

She looked at those pages, sadly, she fell so stupid. Her life was about to stop, and that would be so quick. She read what was written on them. Only foolish thing, she couldn't do anything against that... She began to lose hope, and tears were forming at the edge of her eyes, until she finally read the last sentence : 

-"Yashiro Nene will die because of Hanako-kun." she said as she was reading the last words. 

Her eyes went wide, she threw the book away, in fear. She closed her eyes, having difficulties understanding what she had just read. Was he going to kill her ? After all he was an ex-murderer... but still ! She had always thought he was a nice supernatural... Was he playing with her all along ? Was all of her memories with him lies ?  

When she opened her eyes, she saw two finger slowly going to her forehead. It was him... Hanako-kun. He was in front of her, moving closer. 

-"Hanako-kun?! What are you doing ?!" she said in fear as she backed away. 

He was looking down, his expression wasn't betraying his feelings : sadness. Instead, he was smiling. It wasn't the cheerful smile she was used to... this one made her want to cry. He didn't want to do it... still he read the book with her, and now that he knew, he couldn't let anything happen to her. Especially if he was the one causing her death. 

-"What... what were you going to do just now..?" she repeated, too scared to look away from him. 

-"I saw what was written... but now that you know, let me make you forget it." he said, not even taking a glance at her. 

-"You... you were trying to erase my memories..?" 

-"If I am the reason you die... then, you have to forget me, Yashiro." he smiled sadly to her. 

-"But... but..." she said, not processing the information. 

-"I am sorry Yashiro, once I will have done that, you won't have to worry anymore. You will live your life mindlessly, as you should have." 

-"But I don't... want to..." she said, shaking. 

He came closer to her, kneeling in front of her and looking through her eyes one last time. Her beautiful pink eyes were shaking, looking at him as a small light reflected in her. It was the moon. What a beautiful way to look at the space... but what a sad truth it was to know it would be the last time he would ever do that...

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