Fifth wish

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The whole day, Yashiro couldn't focus in class. The weirdest thing is that Hanako-kun didn't even come to annoy here... was he mad at her ? Was he going to tell her she didn't have to be his assistant anymore ? After all, she was going to die soon, he may be already looking for someone else. She was just... his assistant. Nothing more, nothing less. 

That thought hurt her as she was trying to take notes of the lesson. It would be normal that Hanako looked for a new assistant by now, she wouldn't be there by next year. 

Was it selfish not to want to be replaced ? Did Hanako-kun ever have other assistants ? Was she just one among other ? 

Why did it matter to her anyway ? 

She sighed, focusing on the moment, only to realize she had written Hanako's name on her copybook instead of the one she should have written since the beginning of the lesson. No, in fact, her notes were about everything but the lesson. How ashamed was she that her daydream impacted her lesson. She quickly erased it, relieved that her ghost friend wasn't here for once. 

-"What are you trying to erase, Ya-shi-ro?" he asked, looking over her shoulder, with a smirk. 

She screamed in surprise, throwing her copybook at Hanako-kun, while the teacher and the rest of the class where left speechless at her behavior. 

-"Nene-chan... are you okay?" asked Aoi, trying to help her friend.

Yashiro was ashamed and apologized to the teacher. He was used to it by now, so he didn't even care anymore. 

She sat down, letting her copybook closed. 

-"Why won't you show me, little daikon ? Don't tell me you wrote pervy stuff in there-" he said, annoying her. 

-"Of course not !" she whispered, "That's none of your business anyway." she looked away. 

-"So you're not going to take any notes anymore ?" he said, closer to her. 

-"Stop bothering me." she answered. 

He smiled to her, before leaving. This was the first time he ever accepted to stop bothering her, which made Yashiro kind of... sad ? She didn't want him to go, not at all. But she couldn't show him her notes or he would think she was crazy. 

She opened her copybook to erase what she had written and take notes. She saw that "Amane Yugi" was written in a corner. After all, she knew it was his real name. She wondered if the letter (kanji or hiragana) she wrote it with were the correct ones... As she was reflecting about other way to write it, and obviously not paying attention to the lesson, the young ghost came back. He slowly took Yashiro's pen and wrote it the correct way. 

-"That's the correct way, Yashiro." a soft voice spoke. 

The young girl turned to Hanako-kun, ashamed and embarrassed. 

-"T-thank you..." she said with a quiet tone. 

He smiled to her, then an obvious urge to annoy her with it came to him. 

-"I didn't know you were obsessed with me that much, Yashiro~" 

She tried to ignore him, finally focusing on the lesson while he was trying to distract her. Once the bell finally rang, her ghost friend disappeared. It was weird since she was supposed to meet him to the bathroom, why didn't he stay with her ? She packed her stuffs in her bag when she saw the pink box full of donuts she had put inside it this morning. She remembered her gift for Hanako-kun. It would definitely make him happy. She walked toward the old building, as she thought again about it "what is his wish?". Last time she asked, he played it, dodging not to answer. Did he really mind that she cared about him ? Her grip on her bag went tighter, and she walked faster. She wanted to know why today was so special that he requested her to meet him, even though she always came to see him after school. What was he going to say ? Maybe she was just overreacting, he just reminded her to come, after all. She, then, thought about her idea, reading her book at the library to avoid dying. She would go once she was done with cleaning Hanako-kun's bathroom. 

Once she reached the building,  she quickly went to the bathroom, only to find the Mokkes instead of Hanako-kun. 

-"Huh ? What are you all doing here ?" she asked, curious and surprised. 

-"Follow us !" one of them said, with a high pitched voice. 

-"Candy !" some others said. 

-"Come come !" 

As they were all talking at the same time, she tried to understand what they wanted, in vain. 

-"Where's Hanako-kun ?" she tried to be heard among the noises the littles spirit were making. 

-"Follow us !" one of them repeated when the others stopped being noisy. 

She nodded, not really understanding what was going on. She was more and more nervous at what was happening, especially once they reached the roof... 

-"H-Hanako-kun...?!" her eyes went wide as she saw what he did. 

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