Fourth wish

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As she walked back home, the leader of the mysteries' assistant was lost in thoughts. What could she do to make him happy if even him himself wasn't going to tell her ? Once she entered her house, she threw her backpack and urged to the kitchen. She knew at least one thing that wouldn't fail at making him smiling, donuts. With all the energy that she had left after that long day of school, she began to bake some plain donuts, his favorite. Nobody was home for the moment, so she let her voice accompanies each of her moves. Nene liked to sing, but wasn't the best at it, especially when she didn't try.

The lyrics were those of a love song she liked a lot, being an idealistic romantic girl, but as she sang, they were slowly turning into how she felt. She began to describe their meeting, how he saved her countless times, how annoying he could be but also how thankful she was to have met him. As she was walking toward the stove to fry the donut, both songs mixed, and a sentence that made her stop every moves escaped her lips. 

-"I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for you, I have found my fate with you." 

Her eyes went wide as she stopped walking. She realized what she had just said, only to find herself embarrassed. She didn't mean to say such a thing, but didn't she think it ? After all, all of that was true, except that her fate hadn't changed. Their meeting was meant to be, it was written in her book at Tsuchigomori's library. 

This was at that time, she realized. She could change her future. If she read her book, she could know how she would die and maybe avoid it. After all, if she only had a few months left to live, she didn't care to know what was written in that book anymore. 

She made up her mind, there was no time to loose. She could find how to live longer, and also have more time to make Hanako-kun happy. Raising her fist, she decided it was the best plan. She went back to her previous activity : cooking, while humming the song she was singing earlier. 

That night, Yashiro was full of hopes. 

At school, that night, Hanako was still wandering. He couldn't help but feel like a part of himself would soon go away. Oh how many times had he been in that situation. But he didn't care who died. He didn't. He thought he didn't. 

The Mokke went back to their own activity once they stopped playing, and Hanako was once again, alone. All those years he spend alone, surely he had the other mystery, but only Yashiro made him feel... human? She made him feel more alive than when he wasn't a ghost. 

Him ? A murdered ? A crazy spirit ? Uncontrollable ? No, he wasn't like that, and only her saw the truth. She believed him. No matter what Kou told her that day, she was ready to fight back against the exorcist only for his sake. 

He wanted to do something so she could enjoy her last moments. Only, he didn't want to show her how much he cared, he couldn't directly ask her what would make her happy. So he thought by himself, the whole night. He remembered her wishes. Or at least, the first she ever asked for : "I want love." 

After all, he said he granted it. They were bounded with each other, but did that really count as love in Yashiro's heart ? 

"What's love?" he wondered, looking at the moon through one of the windows in the corridor. 

And so, he reflected about how humans saw love. He remembered that during his human life, he never fell in love with anybody, which wasn't of  great help. He thought again about those books and movie she was always talking about. Those "prince" that would come and save her. That thought made him smirk, he knew he was the only one saving her. So was he her prince ? 

He quickly shook his head, he surely wasn't. He was nothing like the guys she would fall in love with. He wasn't her type at all. 

Still, he kept on thinking. Could he make her feel loved ? Maybe not in a romantic way, but make her live what she won't be able to live, since she will soon... disappear. 

That last thought hurt him once again. He wondered "Would I ever find another assistant like her ?". The answer was easily find, but painful. He would never find another assistant like her, not only because he could never replace her, but also because he wanted nobody else than her. This reminded him of the truth, she would soon go away, and never come back. 

"Why didn't we live together, as humans ?" 

As he was seeking for ideas to make her happy, he found out. He was pretty proud of it, mostly because he knew that would at least make her laugh if it failed. 

Before he even knew it, the sun was rising. How much time did he stay in front of that window, lost in thoughts ? A Mokke happened to pass by him, and got caught by the leader of the wonders. 

-"Hi there, I would need a little bit of help, could you gather the Mokkes ?" The ghost said. 

Once they were all there, Hanako-kun asked for some things they would get him. He seemed so happy about his ideas, that the Mokke didn't even wonder why he was asking such weird items. 

Footsteps could be heard, coming to the bathroom, as Hanako-kun raised his head. He looked closely at whom was entering. What a relief to discover it was Yashiro, alive. Every time she would come back, he was relieved, but also sad to know each day that passed by led them to the upcoming and terrible truth.

He stared at her, unable to look at anything else. She never saw it, she never knew he couldn't take his glance off her whenever she entered. He never told her. And she would have deeply wished she knew. 

-"I just came to say hello before going to class!" she said, before seeing all the Mokkes gathered. "Oh hi guys, what's going on?" she said, clueless, forgetting the donuts she had to give him.

They didn't answer, and looked at Hanako-kun. 

-"Can you meet me here, after school, Yashiro ?" he asked her, with his usual smile. 

Surprised by this request, she smiled back. 

-"I always do that Hanako-kun ! What's so special with today ?" 

-"You'll see." he said, passing by her. Once he was at the door, he opened it and hold it for her. "Go now, you'll be late !" 

She nodded and urged to class, knowing the bell would soon ring. He watched her going away, and went back to his boundary. No time to loose. 

If I were to be you (Hananene)Where stories live. Discover now