Eleventh wish

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-"Yashiro~ Wake up." The young girl heard Hanako-kun's voice, but when she opened her eyes, he was nowhere to be seen around her. 

-"Hanako-kun?" she said, her voice filled with tiredness as she let her gaze seek for him. 

She turned her head, only for her to discover a small note on the table next to the bed. 

"Good morning, sleepy daikon~ 

I had to left early in the morning since I have a meeting with the other mysteries. Tsuchigomori-sensei already has you covered for missing your classes this morning, since I guessed you wouldn't wake up before school starts ! Wasn't I right ?~ 

Get ready and then, to go out of my boundary, you just need to go back to the place where we first arrived, and step on the moon crescent drawn on the ground. 

See you ! 


Yashiro yawned before getting up from the comfy-looking bed. She took time to put the bedsheets just as she found them and went downstair where.. a breakfast was waiting for her ? 

She came closer to what was prepared, it looked delicious. She saw another notes next to the hot chocolate. 

"Hi there once again, my dear assistant~ 

You should be eating something before going to school. Hopefully, there are still some things from yesterday's picnic. 

Enjoy ^^


On the back of the note was drawn a dinosaur. Of course... it's Hanako-kun, after all. That made Nene laugh, just as Hanako wanted, as she began to eat.  

He was really the best at making her smile, even when he wasn't there, he found way to cheer up on her. She was thinking about how lucky she was, before sensing her heart beating faster inside her chest. Somehow, this didn't bother her. She put her palm on her chest, listening to that fast heartbeat, caused by a certain someone. Why didn't her heart beat that way before ? She had been in love with many guy, but no one had ever made her heart feel so fast. No one, but that pervy, annoying, and not even her type, ghost. Of course, she wouldn't admit it. She wasn't in love with him. She knew nothing about him... 

That was when she finally remembered something : Hanako's bedroom

He... he wasn't there. "It wouldn't kill taking a peek inside it... right ?" she wondered. She didn't want to angry him, nor to disappoint him when he told her not to go in there... but soon her curiosity took over and she quickly walked towards that wood door engraved with a name "Amane".  

Her delicate hand hesitantly reached for the door handle. She opened the door, really slowly, as if she was afraid to be heard when nobody was there. 

The room was dark, so she switched the light on. What she saw left her speechless. It didn't look like a bedroom at all. No... it was... a classroom ? It looked just like the classroom of Kamome Academy. She then heard footsteps so she turned to escape the bedroom, but there was no door anymore. The footsteps grew louder, and a boy barged in the classroom, running. Then, another boy who seemed to chase him entered. Her vision was top blurry... until it became clearer little by little. The two boys looked alike... just as twins. 

If I were to be you (Hananene)Where stories live. Discover now