Eighth wish

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Yashiro rushed toward the library, hoping that Tsuchigomori wouldn't be there. The only way she could get away from her tragic future was to change it. Knowing that it would make Hanako-kun happy made her even more determined. She walked quietly once she entered, passing by the big shelves full of books, red, black and white. Hers was red, as she tried to read it once. Her fingers touched the edges of the books as she looked for her name. 

There, she saw it. Still at the same place where she firstly found it. The red edge was shining through white and black covers. She reached for the scale, and got her book. Carefully, she looked through the pages. Her eyes became wet when she read about her past year... most of it were hers and Hanako-kun's adventures. She wanted it to stay that way... forever. She wanted to marry somebody in a Snow White dress, she wanted to live her adult life, she wanted to meet a Prince Charming. She was still a bit childish... idealistic,  but she couldn't give all of that up. 

She smiled, that page was about that time Hanako-kun and her were trying to get boys' attention... this one was about him annoying her while she was doing her assistant job, that one about him singing happy birthday to her in class... He surely was annoying, and those pages could definitely prove it. Somehow, those memories warmed her heart. She was happy with Hanako-kun.

"Hanako-kun... he can suddenly change his attitude for who-knows what reasons, he can be perverted, he can annoy me as much as he wants... I would change those memories for nothing in the universe." 

Remembering she didn't have that much time, she began to seek for pages about her future. The book became redder and redder. 

- "Hurry..." she scolded herself. 

-"Looking for something ?" a deep voice asked. She jumped from surprise. 

-"Tsu-tsuchigomori-sensei !" she said, knowing she was discovered. 

He sighed, children could really be a pain sometimes. One of his four arm caught her book. 

-"Wait ! I have to read it !" she talked, without thinking. 

-"And why is that?" 

She lowed her head. Should she really tell him her reasons ? After all, he was the one who told her about Hanako-kun's past... His past... that thought hurt her. Had Hanako-kun ever been happy ? 

-"I wanted to change..." she said, quietly. 

The spider teacher looked at her, he knew what she was trying to do. 

-"Even if you tried... it's pointed, Yashiro-san." he told her, sadly. 

-"Hanako-kun did change his past ! Why couldn't I?" 

-"N°7 became a ghost, is that really what you want ?!" 

-"If I can stay by Hanako-kun's side, then I don't care !" she shouted, tears flooding her face. 

His eyes went wide, her determination wasn't to save her life... She wanted to stay with Hanako-kun. 

Realizing what she had just said, the young girl surprised herself thinking that. "I want to stay... by his side..." 

-"I see." he answered, quietly. 

-"So... does it mean I can read my book ?" 

-"No, I don't think N°7 would agree with that."

-"But why ? If there is any chance I can live, why would he disagree ?" she said, determined as never. 

He stood there, not answering. What could he tell her ? That it was impossible to change her future ? If she read about it, she would even know how she was going to die... N°7 had been clear about it, he wanted her to enjoy her last moment, without worrying. But... was he really going to let her die without trying anything ? 

-"You shouldn't care too much about it." he finally said, after a long silence. 

-"You are asking me not to care about dying ?" she said, bluntly. 

-"I can't tell you more than that." 

Nene was upset. She couldn't bear it, he was asking her to accept her fate ? She just couldn't ! She wanted to live, more than everything, because all her friends, her family, they were all there ! Aoi, her best friend! Kou, Teru... she couldn't go knowing she would never see them again. 

Hanako-kun. She couldn't live in a world where he wasn't. 

Gathering her strength and courage, she jumped to get her book back, surprising Tsuchigomori who didn't react enough quickly. She ran as fast as she could, without looking back. But if she had, she would have known that her sensei wasn't chasing her. He knew it would be better that way... maybe he had a glimmer of hope for her... He had already made one mistake in the past : not truly  caring about Amane. He couldn't let another one of his students die without even trying... 

-"I am afraid this story won't have a happy ending, Yashiro-san..." he whispered, as he held some pages from her book behind his back. 

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