Chapter 3

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Zhenyuan wiped sweat from his forehead a 2 weeks later, as he completed the last part of the robot's brain. The brain was the most intricate of all parts, and he had to look for special equipment from different AI companies he had worked with on his wait for college. Thankfully, they shared it with him because he had been a good employee everywhere he worked.

Zhenyuan was not sure if he was done at this point, but he eventually covered the head with faux skin and padding, completed with realistic looking hair in Xuan's former hairstyle. Before he could turn the contraption on, he noticed it start to move.

"No! No! No!" Zhenyuan said to himself, having realized he had not finalized his design. He didn't even give it an on-off button. Of course he had filled it's brain with romantic ideas and obedience, but he doubted if that was going to be enough. He didn't specify that the robot's feelings should only be for Dongyu and nobody else.

He tried to find a way to turn it off, but it had already started to unstrap itself from the capsule.

"Hey! Stop!" Zhenyuan demanded as he moved to the front of the robot.

It obediently stopped and looked at him. A small smile quickly formed on it's face. "I love you."

"Me?" Zhenyuan face palmed. "No, you're supposed to love Dongyu. Not me."

"Who's Dongyu?" It asked curiously.

"Dongyu. My sister. That's the one you're supposed to love. Anyway, shut down, I haven't finished working on you."

"Shut down?"

"You're a robot."

"No I'm not."

Zhenyuan groaned. He had forgotten that he had set it's brain to not recognize it was a robot, that would make it act more convincing in front of people especially Dongyu. Even in the heat of the moment, Zhenyuan was surprised and proud with how much the robot resembled his late best friend. He smiled at it and placed a hand on it's cheek, marveling at how realistic it felt.

The robot leaned it's cheek into Zhenyuan's palm, as if there was an ethereal warmth coming from Zhenyuan's body. "I love you Zhenyuan."

"You don't," Zhenyuan quickly pulled his hand away. "Can you listen to me? Be obedient."

Yaxuan nodded. But before Zhenyuan could speak, Dongyu opened the door and walked inside.

"Zhenyuan, who's this?" she asked curiously as she approached the two of them.

"Oh this is my friend, I was...doing an experiment on him. It failed." Zhenyuan answered flatly.

"Wow he really looks like your old friend Xuan," Dongyu walked closer to him. "What's your name?"

"Yaxuan," Zhenyuan answered on his behalf quickly.

"You even have similar names!" Dongyu asked in surprise.

"Well um...yes...that's why I really like him. He reminds me so much of Xuan." Zhenyuan started to unstrap the robot from the capsule so that it could walk around freely.

"That's so crazy and so cool," Dongyu didn't have any suspicion that her brother had actually created this being, because she didn't think he was that advanced. She believed whatever he was saying at this moment.

"Yaxuan, this is my sister Dongyu. The one that you like." Zhenyuan explained to him.

"Oh,' he turned to Dongyu with a bit of disappointment. "I do?"

"Of course you do." Zhenyuan repeated.

Dongyu blushed and looked down. "Really?"

Yaxuan hesitated. He looked at Zhenyuan then decided to nod to please him. "I really do."

"Thanks." Dongyu smiled.

"Um you'll hang out with him later. Right now I have some stuff to do with him." Zhenyuan grabbed Yaxuan's wrist and pulled him out of the room.

"Okay." Dongyu nodded, the blush still visible on her face.

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