Chapter 7

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Zhenyuan continued to focus on what he was working on, completely focused on his work. He heard the door open slowly in the mid-morning, and he turned around to look at the person. It was Yaxuan.

"Well you're back. What did you do when you dropped her off? Did you hug her?" Zhenyuan asked with a small smile.

Yaxuan nodded. "Yes I hugged her for you."

"You hugged her because you love her," Zhenyuan clarified, trying to overwrite the feelings Yaxuan had developed for him. "Never mind."

"What are you doing?" Yaxuan asked curiously and stepped closer to his seat. "Would you like a massage?" he asked, and without permission, he started to massage Zhenyuan's shoulders.

"No. I'm fine." Zhenyuan slightly pushed him. "Please I'm working. You're kind of disturbing me."

"Oh I'm sorry." Yaxuan apologized and looked around the room, trying to find something else to do. "Hey Zhenyuan did I have amnesia? It's so weird that I don't really remember anything."

Zhenyuan simply decided to nod. "Yeah."

"Did I have a crush on you before I had amnesia?"

Zhenyuan turned to him. "No you had a crush on Dongyu. Look Yaxuan, I'd really love to chat but I'm busy right now, so if you don't mind..."

"Oh no problem. Take your time." Yaxuan patted Zhenyuan's head, then pulled a chair next to him. He leaned his arms on Zhenyuan's working surface and started watching him as he did his work.

"You're making me uncomfortable. I can't do this while you're watching." Zhenyuan said with a level of irritability.

"Oh," Yaxuan frowned. "But I want to be with you."

"Why don't you go and...get some gifts for Dongyu? Good idea?" Zhenyuan suggested with a smile. "She'll be really excited if she finds something from you."

"Oh," Yaxuan disappointedly got up. "Fine. Whatever you say Zhenyuan."

Zhenyuan continued to work, not paying any attention to Yaxuan's sadness. He walked out of the lab and walked upstairs, finding Mrs. Zhang vacuuming the house.

"Oh hey Mrs. Zhang," he greeted her.

"Hey Yaxuan how are you doing?" she asked with a smile. "Don't you go to school? You're also taking a break before college like Zhenyuan?"

"I guess," he answered unsurely. "Do you know any gift shops around here?"

She smiled. "Well there's some just down the street, who do you want to get a gift for? A gift for Zhenyuan would be really nice."

"Zhenyuan?" he asked curiously.

"Yes," Mrs. Zhang went on. "He's always so busy and always listening to people's problems, I don't think he's appreciated enough. A gift for him will be a very nice way to remind him he's loved and that he does a good job."

Yaxuan smiled. "Wow, he's a great guy. I guess I'll do that."

"I can even top you up." Mrs. Zhang suggested, and that was when Yaxuan realized that he didn't even have any money. He was so thankful when Mrs. Zhang retreated to her room then returned with some notes. "Good luck."

"Thank you Mrs. Zhang." he smiled and walked out of the house.

He made his way down the street and finally found a gift shop. He pushed it open and the bell above it rang, indicating that a customer had answered.

"Hello," the owner of the shop greeted with a smile. "What can I do for you this morning? Such a handsome boy."

"Thank you," he answered. "Um...can I have a gift for a boy?"

"Well there's so many gifts you can get boys...depends what kind of boy he is."

"Well he's simple, kind, loves to work hard, gorgeous..."

The lady laughed. "Someone sounds in love. Okay, so this is your boyfriend?"

Yaxuan shook his head. "My crush."

"Oh there's so many gifts you can get for your crush. A sleek watch, a pair of house slippers, air pods, a customizable letter bracelet..."

"A customizable letter bracelet?" Yaxuan asked curiously.

"Yes," the woman replied, grabbing the black and white bracelet from the glass display. "It's a simple gift, but it's very thoughtful. You can customize your own message when you place the letters."

He smiled. "I think I'll take it."

"Great. Do you know what you're going to write for him? It's only 8 yuan."

"I think I have an idea." he took the money out of his pocket and placed it on the counter. "Thank you madam."

She smiled. "Good luck my boy."

When Yaxuan walked out, he bumped into a boy who seemed to recognize him. By the looks of things, the boy was running late for school and almost dropped his backpack when he bumped into Yaxuan.

"I'm sorry." Yaxuan apologized.

"Xuan!?" The boy asked in shock. "You're...back? As a ghost?"

Yaxuan shook his head. "No my name's Yaxuan but I get that a lot. What's yours?"

"Zuo Hang." the boy answered nervously, studying Yaxuan's face. "I...I have to go now. I'm running late for school."

"Okay good luck!" Yaxuan replied as the boy started to run off. 

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