Chapter 18

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After everyone had went to bed, Yaxuan sat in front of Dongyu's laptop by the counter using her internet. He was trying to find out more about the city, and anything that could bring him closer to finding the murderer.

He heard the door from the basement open and footsteps coming up, and he immediately knew it was Zhenyuan. Not wanting him to see what he was doing, he closed the browser almost immediately and started going through Dongyu's offline music videos.

"Yaxuan," Zhenyuan said the moment he arrived in the kitchen. "You didn't come down today after that time. I kind of...missed you." he admitted a bit shamefully.

"Really?" Yaxuan chuckled. "I was kind of busy with something." he got up from where he was sitting.

"What?" Zhenyuan asked as he back hugged Yaxuan, making Yaxuan smile and place his hands on top of his.

Zhenyuan didn't wait for a response, instead he looked at what was on the screen of the laptop. "Hmm pop music videos? You like EXO?"

"Yeah." Yaxuan answered, even though he wasn't sure whether he liked EXO or not. He hadn't even viewed any of the music videos to begin with.

Zhenyuan removed his arms from around his waist. "Oh. Are you crushing on any of them?"

"What?" Yaxuan turned to him and laughed. "Are you jealous again? You know you don't have to be right." He then placed his hands on his waist and got more serious. "Well I was going to use my cellphone but had to borrow Dongyu's laptop instead, because I don't have a cellphone. Yet everyone seems to have a cellphone. Now it's reminded me that I don't know where I come from."

Zhenyuan got nervous. For the longest time, he had forgotten that Yaxuan is a robot. "You had amnesia. I don't know who you are either. I just found you somewhere and took you in because I couldn't leave someone out in the cold." he lied.

"Really?" Yaxuan asked curiously. "So it's possible that my parents are out there somewhere? Probably looking for me?"

"I...I don't know," Zhenyuan didn't want to give Yaxuan false hope. Even though he knew he was a robot, it was now more than obvious that Yaxuan seemed to have human-like feelings. "Don't you think if they were out there looking for you there could have been some kind of news? Even announcements."

"Oh," Yaxuan looked down sadly as he accepted the reality.

"Hey, if it's a phone you want, I can get you a phone." Zhenyuan told him. "I've been saving up for some..."

Yaxuan shook his head. "I don't think I need a phone. The only person I really want to talk to is in this house anyway."

Zhenyuan knew Yaxuan meant him and he couldn't help but smile. He was completely softened by the boy in front of him.

"Hey if your family doesn't claim you, don't worry it's okay." Zhenyuan said that with all the knowledge that no one would claim Yaxuan. "I'm your family...because I love you."

Hearing those words from Zhenyuan surprised Yaxuan. He was usually cold or not exactly straightforward when it came to his feelings for Yaxuan, but now he had finally admitted them.

"Thank you Zhenyuan, that really means a lot." Yaxuan said, wrapping his arms around Zhenyuan's neck. "I love you too...a lot."

Zhenyuan looked at Yaxuan's sweet face, and he started to lean in for a kiss. He closed his eyes and so did Yaxuan, anticipating the feeling.

"Hey guys!" Dongyu's voice suddenly greeted, making the boys pull away from each other immediately. "You guys having a little bromance moment? That's cute." She commented casually, not thinking much about it.

"Yeah," Yaxuan answered nervously.

"I just really needed to borrow the computer for a sec, I have to study. You done?" Dongyu said as she walked over to the counter.

"Yeah of course." he told her, pointing at the laptop. "And thank you for borrowing it to me."

"You're welcome." she replied and picked up the computer then started walking upstairs.

"That was close," Yaxuan put his hand on his heart playfully.

"Just reminds me of how wrong this is." Zhenyuan sighed.

"No it's not," Yaxuan assured him.

"She's not your sister, you don't know how it feels." he concluded. "I gotta go."

Yaxuan sadly watched as Zhenyuan disappeared. He knew Zhenyuan was bothered once again, and that was the last thing he wanted. 

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