Chapter 26

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“I’m calling mom,” Dongyu immediately took her cellphone out of her jeans pocket. “You disgusting pig! What the hell are you doing with someone I like!? Really Zhenyuan!?”

“No! Don’t tell mom!” Zhenyuan pleaded and ran towards her. “You don’t get it.”

“Oh I don’t get it!?” Tears lined her eyes. “I don’t get that my brother is kissing someone who he knows I like? I mean it’s weird enough when a sister does this but a brother!? Really!?”

“It’s not what you think.” Yaxuan decided to intervene, walking towards the siblings.

“Shut up! I don’t want to see you!” she answered Yaxuan. “You played me with my own brother! What are you? You’re so disgusting! I only came here to collect mom’s credit card because she forgot it but I didn’t know I’d find this filth!”

Zhenyuan watched helplessly as Dongyu placed the cellphone to her ear with shaky hands. Yaxuan looked at Zhenyuan then snatched the cellphone from Dongyu.

“Hey give me back my phone!” She screamed.

“You don’t understand Dongyu, at least let us explain. Your brother loves you and he really wanted you to…”

“This is all your fault!” Zhenyuan exploded and grabbed Yaxuan’s shirt. “Didn’t I tell you we should stop!? You didn’t listen! Now you’re ruining me and my sister’s relationship!”

Yaxuan looked at Zhenyuan sadly. “This isn’t all my fault…you liked me too.”

“Oh my goodness.” Dongyu sighed. “You know what? I’m out of here. I can’t even stand you two.”

“Dongyu wait!” Zhenyuan pleaded, but she had already made her way to the door. She didn’t look back, she opened it and walked out of the house, slamming the door.

“It’s okay.” Yaxuan tried to comfort him.

“It’s not okay! You ruined things! I literally told you I don’t want to do this but you just had to have things your way!” Zhenyuan cried. “I can’t believe I let a stupid robot come between me and my sister.”

“Robot?” Yaxuan asked curiously.

“Yes!” Zhenyuan answered angrily. “You’re just a stupid robot Yaxuan, you’re not real. Why do you think you don’t even know where you come from? Why do you think nobody loves you? You’re just a robot.”

Yaxuan couldn’t believe it. He simply raised his eyebrow. “You’re a bit delusional right?”

Zhenyuan chuckled in annoyance. He pulled Yaxuan over to a mirror in the living room. “You’re just a robot.” He ran his hands on Yaxuan’s scalp, trying to find where the cap-like hair connected to his head. Once he finally found it, he pulled on it and removed the entire section of Yaxuan’s head from the hairline above and dropped the cap.

Yaxuan looked in shock at the grotesque figure in the mirror which was supposed to be himself. The top section of his head was covered in metal and chips. He shook his head fearfully. “It can’t be. This is some kind of joke.”

“It’s not.” Zhenyuan replied. “I built you for my sister, you’re not human. And you asked if I loved you right? I think I have to change my answer. I probably don’t love you, you’re just a robot. No one can love a robot.”

Yaxuan stumbled back and found himself landing on the hard floor. Everything was just too overwhelming. He looked up at Zhenyuan who seemed to have suddenly grown insensitive. Yaxuan reached for the cap, but Zhenyuan placed his foot on it so that Yaxuan couldn’t pull it.

Sadly, Yaxuan got up and put his hood above his head to cover himself. He looked at Zhenyuan with more tears running down his cheek, then ran out of the house aimlessly. He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he wasn’t supposed to be there.

My Robot Boyfriend (Yuanxuan)Where stories live. Discover now