Chapter 30

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“If Xuan was right that feelings come from the heart, and that the core of the person is their feelings, Yaxuan is literally a recreation of Xuan.” Zhenyuan said to himself as he tried to fix Yaxuan’s heart back in place. It was the most difficult part of fixing him because it was combining something biological with something mechanical.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, he had made a mistake. Having Yaxuan was literally having Xuan live on, it wasn’t disrespectful or wrong. He kept on trying for hours, but it didn’t work. Something was wrong. Perhaps when he removed the heart so quickly, he damaged a vital part of it.

“Oh no,” he said to himself and placed the top back on Yaxuan’s head. He touched his hair disappointedly and walked out of the lab.

“Where did you go? How could you leave Mr. and Mrs. Song in the living room like that?” Mrs. Zhang complained when her son finally reemerged hours later. “You’re so strange.”

“I’m so stupid.” he corrected and grabbed juice from the refrigerator.


“I never think things through, I’m so impulsive. I shouldn’t have shut down Yaxuan, Xuan would have been okay with it. Now I can’t fix him.” he sat down and started pouring the juice in a glass.

“It wasn’t your fault, we all thought it was wrong anyway.” She looked at him with a serious face. “So Zuo really killed Xuan?”

“It was a mistake.” He shook his head. “The only reason he actually confessed was because of Yaxuan. I really miss him.”

Mrs. Zhang sighed and put her hand on her heart.  “Well…”

“Yaxuan!?” Zhenyuan suddenly leapt up to his feet.

Mrs. Zhang turned around, only to see a weak Yaxuan walking into the kitchen.

“I don’t think you were able to shut me down. You should try again.” Yaxuan encouraged Zhenyuan with a forced smile.

Zhenyuan got up and ran over to him, wrapping him in a tight hug. “I missed you.”

Yaxuan pat Zhenyuan’s back slowly. “I thought you wanted to shut me down. What’s going on?”

Zhenyuan pulled away from Yaxuan and wiped his tears of happiness. “I did shut you down, and I had the most miserable time of my life. I don’t want to shut you down Yaxuan, in fact nobody should have the right to do that, you’re not just a robot. You’re like the reincarnation of someone.”

“Hmm?” Yaxuan still didn’t understand.

Zhenyuan chuckled. “It’s okay, maybe you don’t get it. But I really missed you, and I’m never letting you go again. I’m sorry I even considered shutting you down.” he hugged him tightly once more.

Yaxuan smiled. “You love me again?”

“I’ll never stop, and I never did.”

Mrs. Zhang looked at the two with a smile.
“So how did you wake up? I failed to fix you.” Zhenyuan continued to speak.

“Really? Maybe you did…perhaps it took some time for everything to stabilize.”

“I think so.” Zhenyuan let him go then held his hand. He turned to his mother. “Mom, I guess by now you know this is my boyfriend.”

“I do.” She smiled. “Yaxuan, you have no idea how happy you make my son. After a painful period, this is the happiest I’ve seen him. I appreciate it.”

“You’re…you’re welcome.” he stammered and looked at Zhenyuan with a smile.

“Are you hungry!?” Zhenyuan suddenly asked. “I’ll get you whatever you want!”

Yaxuan chuckled. “I do have some cravings.”


A week later, Yaxuan was sitting in the living room watching TV. He laughed to himself as he watched the comedy show all alone, there was no one in the house; even Zhenyuan wasn’t around. When Yaxuan asked him where he was going, he just said to run some errands. Yaxuan could tell that Zhenyuan didn’t want to tell him, so he didn’t want to force him.

Zhenyuan returned a while later with a smile and opened the door. “Hey there’s someone I want you to meet.”

“Really?” Yaxuan got up from the seat. “Who is it?”

“Just come out and see.”

He nodded and walked over to the door. He was surprised to meet a couple outside standing by the potted plant.

“Oh my goodness,” the woman said to the man, “he looks just like him.”

“This is amazing.” the man commented.

Yaxuan smiled awkwardly then turned to Zhenyuan, waiting for an explanation.

“Oh,” Zhenyuan said once he noticed Yaxuan’s expression. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Song, these are your parents.”

“Parents?” Yaxuan asked with a smile.

Zhenyuan nodded. “Basically you have the heart of their son, you look like him and act like him. In fact you somewhat came from him. So we can safely say these are your parents.”

Yaxuan didn’t quite understand, but he was excited. He walked over to Mr. and Mrs. Song shyly and gave them a hug. They both hugged him back.

“We lost our only son,” Mrs. Song said, “so this means so much because you’re so much like him. Thank you Zhenyuan.”

“You’re welcome.” he smiled. “Yaxuan, I think it’s time for you to move in with your family.”

“What?” he slowly let them go. “And what about you? I don’t want to be away from you.”

Zhenyuan chuckled. “I know you don’t, but your parents want you around, it’s probably only right for you to live with your family. And we can meet every day, they live just down the street.”

Yaxuan pouted and looked at his parents then back at Zhenyuan. “Promise we’ll meet every day?”

“I promise. I also can’t really stay away from you too long.” Zhenyuan smiled fondly at him. “And…your parents will get you your own clothes! Your own room! Don’t you want that!?”

“I guess I do,” he commented lowly. “Fine. Thanks Zhenyuan.”

“Well we’ll give you boys time to have your goodbyes, we’ll pick him up tomorrow.” Mr. Song said.

When Yaxuan and Zhenyuan returned in the house, Yaxuan still seemed a bit bothered. He sat down on the couch and looked at Zhenyuan.

“What’s wrong?” Zhenyuan sat next to him.

“I think it’s cool to move in with my own family, but I liked being around you Zhenyuan. We won’t even sleep together anymore.” Yaxuan admitted.

“We could have sleepovers. I think if you stay here you’ll never feel like your own person. You’ll always feel like you’re just a robot with no actual family. My parents can never love you like you deserve, but your parents can.”

“Fine.” Yaxuan said. “So we’re not sleeping tonight…we should watch every movie I want and eat whatever I want, just for the farewell.”

“Geez Yaxuan you’re just moving downtown.”
“It still matters!” he complained.

“Fine.” Zhenyuan surrendered. “So what are we doing now?”

“I have an idea,” Yaxuan laughed and pulled Zhenyuan’s collars.

Zhenyuan already knew what was coming. He smiled and shut his eyes, letting their lips meet. Even though Yaxuan was a robot, he knew that Xuan lived on in him. And that was probably what Xuan would have wanted.

THE END! Thank u for reading!!! 🌹

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