Chapter 16

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"I'm back," Yaxuan announced as he walked into the lab. "Got your batteries and a little something for all your hard work." Yaxuan lifted the cup which contained the cold smoothie.

"Thanks Yaxuan but I don't eat in the lab, just give me the batteries." Zhenyuan turned around in his swivel chair, facing him.

"Well then get out of the lab and have the smoothie." Yaxuan walked towards his chair. "Come on."

"Yaxuan I really should finish this..."

"It doesn't take long to drink a smoothie," Yaxuan grabbed Zhenyuan's hand and started to pull him. "Come on."

Zhenyuan didn't want to, but he knew that Yaxuan wouldn't budge. "Fine, fine."

Yaxuan smiled as Zhenyuan got up, then the two of them walked out of the lab and stood just outside. Yaxuan gave the smoothie to Zhenyuan and he immediately felt refreshed by the taste of the fruity drink.

"I hope you like strawberry flavor." Yaxuan commented.

"I don't know, I can't really tell. I was just really famished and dehydrated than I thought." Zhenyuan replied and continued to drink. These were the moments where Zhenyuan forgot that Yaxuan was a robot. He felt like the sweetest human being who had ever existed.

"Guess who thought we're a couple?" Yaxuan suddenly asked.


"Zuo Hang. Do you know him?" Yaxuan answered, then chuckled as he reached out his thumb to wipe the smoothie that had lined itself on Yaxuan's lips.

"I do," Zhenyuan answered, a bit embarrassed with the fact that Yaxuan had to wipe his lips. He felt a bit silly. "But why would Zuo even think that? I don't really know Zuo aside from the fact that he was Dongyu's boyfriend. But don't you find it strange he'd assume you and I are dating?"

Yaxuan nodded. "I must admit, it is..."

"He's never even seen us together." Zhenyuan rubbed his chin in thought. "This is really weird."

"Don't think about it too much, I bet it's just a coincidence."

Zhenyuan nodded, but wasn't convinced. "Yeah you're right, you're right."

The next day was a Saturday, and Zhenyuan's father had gone out fishing. He had asked Zhenyuan to accompany him, but his son had spent a late night working in his lab that he wasn't able to wake up when his father tried to take him with him at 7 in the morning.

Later on at 10 am, he woke up feeling groggy but was still dragged to the living room by his mother who wanted him to watch the practice slow dancing between Dongyu and Yaxuan.

"But mom I don't want to watch this," Zhenyuan complained as he sat down.

"Nonsense Zhenyuan. This is going to be a big day for Dongyu and I wouldn't want you to miss what it's going to look like about a week from now." Mrs. Zhang said proudly then turned her attention back to Dongyu and Yaxuan.

Yaxuan smiled at the sleepy Zhenyuan who eventually smiled back, before placing his hands on Dongyu's waist. Dongyu shyly placed her hands on Yaxuan's broad shoulders.

"Lovely," Mrs. Zhang commented before placing play on the home system remote, and some slow romantic music started to play. "Okay you can start now."

Yaxuan and Dongyu started to move together slowly as any couple who were dancing together would. Zhenyuan watched the scene proudly.

"Dongyu look in his eyes, don't be shy." Mrs. Zhang advised.

Dongyu looked up from her feet and looked at Yaxuan instead, looking deeply into his dark eyes. She smiled at how lovingly he looked at her.

Suddenly, Zhenyuan started to feel jealous. It wasn't right for him to feel that way, after all, this was what he wanted. But he felt heat rising in his heart as he watched them dance together. He didn't want Zhenyuan to slow dance with anyone that closely and look at them like that unless it was him.

"Beautiful!" Mrs. Zhang clapped. "Good job. And well, usually at the slow dance is when a lot of girls get their first kiss. This will be your first kiss right?" she asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Of course mom! Do you think I go around kissing guys!?" Dongyu complained as she removed her hands from Yaxuan's shoulders.

Yaxuan chuckled and went to sit next to Zhenyuan happily.

"How did I do?" Yaxuan asked him happily.

"Good." Zhenyuan answered coldly.

"Just good?" Yaxuan asked disappointed.


Before Yaxuan could say any more, Zhenyuan already got up from the couch and walked into his lab.

Mrs. Zhang and Dongyu didn't notice what had happened, they were too busy talking about the dance which would happen soon. Yaxuan had his eyes fixed on where Zhenyuan had disappeared to.

"Yaxuan did you already pick what to wear!?" Mrs. Zhang asked him, startling him from his thoughts.

"Well no..." he answered.

"I have this catalogue of one of the best suit places in town, let me show you." She announced happily and started to flip through the content. Even though Yaxuan wasn't interested, he simply joined the excited girls in picking a suit. 

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