Chapter 17

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"Hey," Yaxuan greeted as he walked into the lab some 30 minutes later. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zhenyuan answered coldly.

Yaxuan walked closer to him. "I don't understand. You're mad at me?"

"I'm not." Zhenyuan rolled his eyes.

"You are."

Zhenyuan realized that it wasn't Yaxuan's fault; this was exactly what Zhenyuan had told him to do. It was Zhenyuan's own immaturity that made him angry, Yaxuan was just being obedient. He turned to him. "I'm sorry Yaxuan. I was just...jealous."

"Jealous?" Yaxuan asked with a mixture of joy and surprise. "Well, if you don't want me to go with Dongyu, I won't."

"No you have to go with her. I'm just really sorry for being jealous, it's my fault." he sighed. "And good job, you slow dance really well."

Yaxuan chuckled and wrapped his arms around Zhenyuan's shoulders, standing behind him. "Don't be affected though, I still love my boyfriend a lot more than I'd love anyone." he then pecked Zhenyuan's cheek, making him blush.

But Zhenyuan didn't want to show that he appreciated Yaxuan's gesture, so he pushed him away. "Don't you have something else to do Yaxuan?"

"Right," Yaxuan stood up straight. "There really is something that I wanted to do today."

Zhenyuan didn't know what Yaxuan was planning to do, but he didn't mind. So long as Yaxuan wasn't in the lab disturbing him and making him blush. He left the room almost immediately, leaving Zhenyuan alone so he could focus on his work.

Yaxuan later on arrived to the place he had been planning to go. He pushed the door open and looked around, before finally walking over to the reception.

"Excuse me," he said to the lady who was sitting there, "Do you perhaps have a tape of...well the accident that happened on this street where a teenage boy died? His name was Xuan."

He had went to the traffic police station to ask them for the tape. He figured it would be fairly easy to find out since the death of Xuan was a very popular topic because people rarely died from traffic accidents in the street.

"Oh Xuan's death, the tape wasn't found. It was probably removed by the hit and run driver." she answered. "Are you new in town? That news was everywhere."

"Oh," Yaxuan nodded. "I didn't know that. Sorry for asking you something that was probably so obvious."

"It's alright." The lady answered.

Yaxuan nodded and walked out of the building. Now he was more convinced than before that Xuan was actually murdered and it wasn't an accident. Who would go through the trouble of hiding it so much if it was actually an accident? He would probably have to start with finding out who could have had a motive to kill him.

"Dongyu," he met her in the kitchen later that afternoon. "Did you know Xuan very well?"

"Of course I did, how could I not know my brother's best friend well? He was like a brother to him."

Yaxuan nodded. "Did he have any friends?"

"Aside from Zhenyuan? Yes I guess." She shrugged. "He had a lot of friends. He was an extrovert unlike Zhenyuan. He was a great person to be around anyway, everyone liked him."

"Ah," Yaxuan responded rather sadly. "So nobody hated him?"

"Nobody I can think of. Why do you ask?"

"Well...never mind. He's never been involved in any kind of arguments? Or anything shady?"

"No." she looked at him curiously. "Why would he? You're asking weird questions."

He rubbed his chin. "Wait! Does anybody around his age or you guys' age have a car?" He suddenly thought of it. If this was a place where people rarely had cars, it would be easy to find out who had cars and who didn't. And probably, if Xuan was murdered, it was by someone around their ages because that person would have a motive.

"I don't think so...I don't think anyone our age has a car. Geez. What's up with you?"

"It's nothing." he answered, although deep in thought. He felt he had hit a dead end, but he hadn't given up yet. For Zhenyuan's sake, he was going to find Xuan's murderer no matter what. 

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