Chapter 5

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"I think you need to change your hairstyle," Zhenyuan said to Yaxuan who was sitting on his bed.

"You don't like this one?" He asked.

"No, but it makes you look so much like Yaxuan my old friend. People are going to start asking questions." Zhenyuan started parting Yaxuan's hair in the middle.

"Are we going to share a bed?" Yaxuan asked excitedly.

"No." Zhenyuan shook his head. "You'll sleep in the basement. Basically the basement is my lab."

"Oh," Yaxuan sounded a bit disappointed. "It's your house, you can do whatever you want."

After parting Yaxuan's hair, Zhenyuan stood a small distance away and observed Yaxuan with his hands on his waist. He looked a bit different but not completely. He continued to look at Yaxuan, now overwhelmed by how much he looked like his late best friend that it was almost disturbing.

"You know, staring at someone so much is a love language." Yaxuan spoke, looking down a bit shyly.

Zhenyuan shook his head. "It's not that. Haven't I told you already that you like my sister and not me!? Geez!"

"You said I should act like it and I will...I'll do it cause I love you."

Zhenyuan nodded. "Whatever. I'll fix you one day."

"Boys! Supper is ready!" Mrs. Zhang announced outside the door.

"Let's go! Make sure to seem attracted to Dongyu." Zhenyuan advised and put the comb on his dresser.

Yaxuan nodded and the two of them walked out of the door. They went downstairs to the dining room and found everyone else already seated. They joined the table, sitting next to each other. Dongyu already blushed the moment Yaxuan arrived, and he smiled at her.

Zhenyuan was pleased and he looked at his parents. He grabbed his chopsticks and joined in the meal, eventually Yaxuan did too.

Dongyu couldn't take her eyes off Yaxuan. Even though he looked like Zhenyuan's old friend, he seemed more attractive to her because he liked her.

"So Yaxuan where are you from?" Mrs. Zhang asked curiously.

"Guangdong!" Zhenyuan quickly answered on his behalf. "Yes, pretty far isn't it?"

"Can you let the boy speak on his own?" Mr. Zhang interrupted.

"No it's fine, I like it when he speaks for me." Yaxuan said almost dreamily. If he wasn't a boy, Zhenyuan's parents would have started to suspect he liked their son.

"Hey," Zhenyuan gave him a reprimanding look.

"So where are your parents? Guangdong?" Mrs. Zhang asked.

"Mom!" Dongyu cried. "You're making him uncomfortable. Let him eat." She whispered to her mother. "I really like him."

"Oh," Mrs. Zhang looked at her daughter then at Yaxuan. "Alright, I understand why you like him."

The meal went on as the family interacted, and Yaxuan avoided speaking, noticing how Zhenyuan didn't want him to speak. But one thing was for certain, Dongyu was already head over heels for him it seemed. He was afraid of how that would turn out because he still loved Zhenyuan for some reason which he himself couldn't understand. 

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