Chapter 23

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Yaxuan and Zhenyuan were walking home silently, neither of them saying anything. Zhenyuan had his hands in his pockets as he continually kicked a rock on the pavement, much to Yaxuan's annoyance each time he managed to kick the rock and avoid conversation.

When Zhenyuan was about to kick it for the fifth time, Yaxuan snapped. "Do you mind?"


Yaxuan face palmed. "Anyway it's not about the rock. It's about you. What do you want me to do? I try so hard to do what you want but it seems you're getting mad at's like I don't know what to do anymore. I know you're jealous, do you want me to go with Dongyu or not?"

Zhenyuan felt a bit embarrassed that Yaxuan was now clearly seeing through him. "I want you to go okay? I really do. Sorry, I'll stop being immature."

"Are you sure? Cause if you don't want me to go I won't."

"I'm sure." Zhenyuan nodded.


"Wait, are you going to kiss her?" Zhenyuan suddenly asked.

"Well that's what usually happens at the end of great dance, but if you don't want me to kiss her, I won't."

Zhenyuan sighed. The mere thought of it was annoying but Yaxuan was probably right, that's how dances ended. Dongyu deserved a perfect night, and it would be unfair for him to ruin it for her. "No go ahead. You're right, that's how nights end."

Yaxuan nodded. "Alright then."

Later that day, Zhenyuan spent the rest of his day in the lab trying to distract himself from the thoughts over Yaxuan. But it wasn't easy at all. His thought kept going to Yaxuan and how he would dance with Dongyu and eventually kiss her. It was infuriating to say the least.

"Zhenyuan," Yaxuan announced when he had walked into Zhenyuan's lab that evening. "I'm going to Dongyu's school now. You'll be okay?"

"Yeah." Zhenyuan answered with a forced chuckle. "It's fine, really." once again he took in how Yaxuan looked in a suit. And now completed with his black dockside shoes, he absolutely looked like a head-turner. Probably everyone would not be able to not look at him.

"Okay, I'll be back before you know it." Yaxuan smiled and walked out.

Zhenyuan continued to focus on his work, but it was difficult. 20 minutes later at 18:00, he checked his cellphone, Yaxuan had probably arrived at the school dance. 10 minutes later, he was probably conversing with Dongyu and some of her friends had probably joined them just to see the handsome Yaxuan up-close. Every boy in the room was probably jealous and every girl was swooning. The next 20 minutes would be filled with more conversation.

"They probably haven't started slow dancing yet," Zhenyuan said to himself and shut his eyes. "Don't be jealous Zhenyuan, come on." But the more he thought about it, the more jealous he became. He tried to take the thoughts away, but they wouldn't stop.

Suddenly, Zhenyuan leaped up from his seat. He didn't care if he was being selfish, but he couldn't let Yaxuan and Dongyu kiss. No, it wasn't going to happen. He dashed out and ran upstairs.

"Zhenyuan, where are you going?" his mother asked as Zhenyuan opened the door.

"Um...Yaxuan forgot something! I need to give it to him!" Zhenyuan ran out without waiting for a reply.

"Oh," Mrs. Zhang turned to her husband. "Zhenyuan is so supportive, he's making sure that Dongyu has a perfect night with Yaxuan."

Zhenyuan was running so fast, he didn't want to waste any minute. He just couldn't let that kiss happen, his jealousy wouldn't let him. He would apologize to Dongyu later or come up with an excuse, but it just couldn't happen. What if Yaxuan ended up falling in love with her as well because of that kiss?

Zhenyuan didn't want to rest, even though he was completely tired as he made it to the school entrance. He finally placed his hands on his knees and panted by the gate. He rested for a few seconds before he walked in through the school gates. He could hear the music in the gymnasium as he entered the school building.

He looked through the glass panel into the gymnasium, it was dark and was illuminated by some colorful lights. He hesitated, before he finally pushed the door and walked in. Most couples were now slow dancing to the music, while some were just dancing with their friends.

"Zhenyuan!" a familiar voice shouted. It was YIzhou, one of Dongyu's best friends. "What are you doing here?" she asked him happily.

"Where's Dongyu?" he asked her impatiently.

"Well that side," she pointed to the front, "but I'm not sure exactly where. She's really having fun with Yaxuan..."

Zhenyuan didn't even let her finish her sentence, he had already started to push his way through the crowd. Most of the couples were annoyed with him, but he didn't mind. Finally, Zhenyuan noticed Yaxuan and Dongyu dancing. His heart clenched with anger as he watched them.

Their lips then started to move closer, and Zhenyuan already knew what was about to happen. Instinctively, he ran over as quickly as he could. With a hair's breadth between Yaxuan and Dongyu's lips, Zhenyuan placed his hand on Yaxuan's shoulder desperately.

Yaxuan immediately turned around to Zhenyuan. It took a while for Dongyu to open her eyes and move away from Yaxuan. She was very surprised to see her brother standing behind Yaxuan.

"Yaxuan we need to talk, it's urgent." Zhenyuan said quickly.

Yaxuan let go of Dongyu. "Oh I have an idea what it is about." he said in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, I need to borrow him for sec," Zhenyuan apologized to his sister then pulled Yaxuan away. 

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