Ch.5- The Shadow Rider

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Authors' POV

"Hey, are you already dead?"

Taehyung eyes suddenly opens as he heard a familiar voice. He look at his side and he saw Jin standing while holding an umbrella.

"Jin." Taehyung said.

"Hello, partner. Did I make you wait?" Jin asked with a soft smile.

"Yeah, you did." Taehyung answered as he smirk.

"Sorry for being late." Jin said as he apologize.

Taehyung stares at Jin for a moment before sitting up. He smirks as he remembers what Jungkook said to him earlier.

"It seems my fated pair really did come to me, Jk." Taehyung mumbled while smirking.

Jin walks closer to Taehyung as he crouches down beside him to check him out.

"Why are you smiling like that? Did you hit your head that bad to make you crazy?" Jin asked.

Taehyung look at Jin then leans against his chest.

"You're the one making me go crazy." Taehyung thought to himself.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing?" Jin asked calmly.

"Resting." Taehyung replied.

"If you want to rest then go to your house. I'm not your bed." Jin complained.

"Ahahaha." Taehyung laughs softly before he passes out.

Jin notices Taehyung suddenly becomes so quiet. He looks down then found him fainting against his chest. He tried to shake him softly to wake him up.

"Taehyung? Stop acting asleep and wake up. Hey!" Jin said as he tried to wake Taehyung up.

"Crap! He really did faint. What should I do now?" Jin asked himself.

Jin has no choice but he had to carry him piggyback. Jin closes the umbrella and starts to carry Taehyung on his back.

"I have to get out of here before a corruptor sees us." Jin said as he starts walking.

Not even a few minutes have past Jin already saw a corruptor on the street. The corruptor looks like a bat with small wings, huge ears, and sharp teeth.

"Oh fuck me." Jin said as he starts to get pissed.

The corruptor sees Jin and starts to charge him. Jin immediately runs as fast as he can while carrying Taehyung on his back.

"Go away ugly beast. I'm not delicious. I'm all skin and bones." Jin shouted as he tried to escape from the corruptor.

The corruptor keeps on uttering a high-pitched piercing sound while jumping through buildings as it chases Jin from behind.


"Hey V! Wake up! Your fated pair is in danger. I'm still too young to die." Jin shouted as he tried to wake Taehyung up.

Jin is starting to get tired and slow down. Making the corruptor able to catch up to Jin. The distance between them decreases with each time passed.

"I'm tired. What did this guy eat? To be this heavy." Jin complained as he continue to run.

While Jin was running he suddenly step into a rock making him lose his balance. The corruptor takes this chance and leaps towards Jin.

"I'm dead."

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