Ravens pov on beast boy.

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Raven lay on her bed with a book in her hand however her thoughts were focused on something of which she was not currently looking at. She was thinking about the green changeling we all know and love. She hated to say it but affection was right, she really did have feelings for the green goofball of a changeling. There was something about him that made her think, he was weird and all but there was something off about him.

She heard a knock on the door which abruptly halted the thought process she was currently having. With no hesitation she got up off her bed, while doing so she had thrown the thhoughts off to the side to keep her mind clear and focused. She wiped off the smile she hadn't realized she was holding upon her face, along with this she made her voice monotone as to not disrupt any emotions.

She answered the door to be met with the green changeling that had been the focus point of her thoughts as of late. As always he had a smile that was as bright as the stars that filled the sky on a pollution free night. However it was joined by a slight sadness that had always surrounded the boy, even when they first met. It was odd as Beast Boy was one of the happiest people raven had met in her life, so to see him with an awful dampness in his soul hurt her in a deep way.

"Hey Rae!" He said to her with that goofy smile of his plastered brightly on his face.

"Hi beast boy," She responded in a monotone "what do you want?"

"I came to say hi," he said with little less bouyancy in his words as he had before "and to ask you if you wanted to play video games with me."

Before I could respond i had switched the weight of my body to the other leg. In this process i had slipped and started to fall to the ground, as I was in mid air beast boy caught me jumping to my rescue as if he expected it, however the moment was cut short as we heard a clank from a piece of metal hit the floor. In curiosity we both look to the ground and spot a penny laying on the floor, with a little bit of inspection i realized it was the penny that beast boy had given to me for 'Good Luck'. When i came back from the imprisonment of my father, i had decided to go find it, although its a little to girlish for me i decided to keep it. Somehow i felt as though it had some importance, like it was gonna serve some greatness in my future.

As he spotted it he looked up at me with confusion, i was speechless not knowing if he recognized it. I hesitantly seperated myself from him and picked it up, i looked at him and shrugged before closing the door.

"Well...that was awkward, he must be super confused about what that was all about. I hope he didnt recognize the penny, that would be an awkward situation. " Raven thought to herself as she sighed out into the dark room.




It's been roughly 2 hours of meditation and she still hasn't heard from Beast Boy yet. She looked down at the penny and studied its features, as she did this memories flashed throughout her mind. Beasto boy's smile was so contagious and she was surprised shes never cracked up at the sight of one of them. She had remembered the little moments her and the green boy had shared together, they were closer than people thought. She felt a tear escape her eye and it dripped down and landed on the penny. She wasn't upset about the whole penny inccident, no she was upset cause she felt as though the young changeling does not share the same feelings for her as she does him.

Then darkness crowded her mind like a dark thunderstorm approaching the edge of her distant thought process, she knew what this was and she dreaded it with a burnng passion. Instantly to her dissmay thoughts of horrid relation barged into her mind as an unwanted guest. She felt attacked in her own mind, it was as though little demons had reached her soul and were manipulating it as if it were a new christmas toy. Terra crossed the landscape of her mind, she thought of how even though she had turned against the titans in a time of need- Beast Boy would still love her. How she a dark, ugly, disgusting, goth, emo demon thing- has no chance with Beast Boy. She loved him...

Wait did i just say that? No no no, i dont love him i simply have strong affectionate feelings towards the goofball that can make me smile from simply greeting me in the morning. Oh no, its true, i actually have a crush if not more- on Beast Boy. However as she thought about it, things started to come together like a puzzle, there were pieces missing but of course she can find out the big picture. She loved his smile, with every fiber in her being she adored every part of him but his true smile was heaven to the eyes. He would smile and he would brighten up the entire room like a firework going off on the fourth of July. If you looked into his eyes and searched you could find the one thing some people dont have enough of, he had more than enough of this particular thing however. The thing was hope, i know it sounds cheesy but its true. However something joins the hope, its darker and is of some relation to pan. She had guessed that the pain was from the childhood of young Garfield Logan, everyone had told our real names during a small 20 questions game. However getting back to the eyes of Beasty Boy, the changeling of the Teen Titans; they held hope, compassion, love and plenty more that some people dont even get a chance to experience truly. Something must have happened in the boys life to make him so...abnormal from a regular goofball that you see on the streets.

After a little more thought she had decided it was time for bed, she was finally calmed down so she layed down and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Yes this was rewrote, it as worse than this before so yea hope you enjoyed cya.

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