-^-^-^------- Flatline

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The medical wing was quiet besides the intriguing rhythmic sound of the heart monitor's beep. Everyone was asleep or in their room, well besides raven she was in a chair next to beast boy.

Everything seemed like a loop, he would breath with a beep then he would exhale with another. Then he would be still for 2 beeps till it repeated. She was starting to doze off when suddenly he flat lined...

The Titans tower went ablaze in red lights and a loud beep to wake everyone up. Cyborg came rushing in and he looked tired as hell but yet shock and fear wore his face out.

"What happened!?" He asked in a frantic search to see if his best friend was going to die.

"I really don't know. I was about to doze off when he flatlined!" Raven responded with fear and worry etched into her tone that was already worn down by exhaustion.

Star fire and Robin came rushing in next with worry and shock painted all over their faces. Robin usually had a serious tone to his face but now he looked like a kid losing someone close to him. Star fire looked as though she would explode, her mouth was agape with tears streaming like a river down her face.her eyes all puffy, she couldn't take it any more and she threw herself into Robin balling.

"Hey cy, me and star will be outside the door... Do what you can." He said in a tone that was ragged and sounded as though he was holding back from exploding into tears.

Cyborg nodded and went back to work on trying to find out what to do. He looked hopeless for a sec till his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and he hurriedly got something out of the cabinet. He pulled out a defibrillator and put it together.

"Ok raven come here and hold beast boy down." He said.

"Yes sir." Raven responded with a sad tone.   

"1...2...3 CLEAR." He shocked beast boy with the pads. They did it a couple more times till the heart monitor went back to its steady beat.

Cyborg and Raven wiped their foreheads to get the sweat off. They walked out and told Robin and Star fire that he was stable again.

Everyone went to bed and Raven fell asleep in the chair next to beast boy.
The end, hope you enjoyed and get ready for beast boys perspective on this.

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