Ravens Nightmare

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I opened my eyes to catch the sight of a horrid fire burning aroud me, the space was quiet except for the calm relaxing crackling of the fire that occupied my exit. Suddenly the sound of a malicious laugh ripped through the air, it was demonic and deafening. I was scared, my heart was pumping, throbbing in my chest. My blood was rushing through my veins, and I could barely breath.

"Hello my dear child," bellowed a deeply sadistic voice coming from all around me. "I see you love that disgusting human."

"Yes, I do love him and you can't do shit about it." Said raven back in a hiss.

"Are you willing to bet on that?" The voice said back in a slightly playful manner, it seemed as though the holder of the voice enjoys games.

"...........no,"raven said slightly disappointed"who are you anyway."

"You don't recognize the voice of your own father? Well then let me show you again what you should be afraid of." Said Trigon in a playfully hurt manner, he stood up from where he was hidden and showed himself. He had a phsycopathic smile plastered to his face.

"NO!!!!! I SENT YOU BACK TO YOUR OWN DIMENSION, YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE GONE." Raven shoted sending echoes across the vast landscape around her. She gripped her chest failing to breath, tears brimmed her eyes as she stared up at the man who helped bring her into this world.

"Child did you seriously think that you could hold me in my OWN dimension."asked Trigon in a slightly taunting remark.

"I'm supposed to be able to feel." Raven whispered out as she looked down falling to her knees and quietly sobbing.

Raven felt like her whole world had been ripped from her grasp. She was supposed to be allowed to feel. She was supposed to be alowd to love Garfield, feel happy when he made a joke or even smile. But no the selfishness of her father had to overpower her wants and needs.

"Well I'll just have to kill your friend so that you can't feel." Trigon says while taking something out of a cage. It looked unconscious, but when she looked close enough she saw who it was. Beast boy, the one boy that could let her save the world, if he's dead then she would be overtaken by her fathers influence.

"Beast boy, NO!!!!" Raven shouted out across the cavern that occupied this scene. Time slowed as she saw her father crush the body and throw it into his mouth where he chewed it to pieces and swallowed him.

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