One fallen changeling.

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As the realization dawned on beast boy, he sat there emotionless but thoughts crowding his brain. Guilt rushed through his whole body, it engulfed him whole. But with no hesitation he agreed with himself silently.

With no hesitation he checked the time, 3:27 am. He got up and went to Ravens room, he went to her bookcase and found a book that was labeled 'Body Modify and Duplication spells'. He skimmed through it till he found it, a spell to duplicate him into a realistic dummy. He quickly practices the enchanting words in his head till it stuck thoroughly. He said it aloud "Azerath Modificationo Duplicano-beast boy" he repeated before he instinctively closed his eyes cause a strange feeling of power seemed blocked. He suddenly opened his eyes to and saw his reflection, before him he saw that his eyes were shining a bright vibrant lime green.(kinda like Ravens eyes, y'know how they glow white). He was taken  aback by this but still confidently finished his spell.

Once the light stopped shinning be forth his eyes(fancy wording :3) he looked down. There lay a dummy version of him, in the back of his brain he could hear Raven say "oh great another dummy of himself" he silently laughed at this as he knew she would say this. He scooped up the dummy of him and took him to the medic wing. He put himself on the bed and set himself up, he stopped before putting the heartbeat sensor on. He breathed in and out slowly, he quickly linked the cord to his vein. Instantaneously the alarm blared through the tower, instinctively he turned into a fly and flew out the window as fast as he could. He looked upon his field of view, and realized he didn't know where to go, suddenly the forest caught his eye. He decided to land there to regroup before continuing his quest.

After a while of flying he reached the ground and transformed. God he should have packed some stuff to wear, he had the uniform he had on when he got shot. He reached into his pocket and felt for an item hoping it was there. After a little bit of swooshing around in his pocket he felt something cold and metallic, he took it out and examined it.

There he saw a iron band that looked like nothing special, however this holds the adventure be forth him. He slipped it on his finger and looked into a puddle next to him, he was tan and had blonde hair, he also had blonde eyes. He remembered how he got this ring, cyborg gave one to everyone to always keep on them in case of a dangerous situation. He had asked specifically for this look, as this was what he would look like if the...incident had never occurred. He nodded in satisfaction before deciding to take off into the nights air.
Back at the Tower
Ravens pov

I awoke with a blaring siren, and a flashing red light alerting all of my senses. My throat was dry my nose was slightly clogged and my eyes felt sore. Suddenly one thing juggled its self into the mishap of my brain.Beast boy. I shot awake to see cyborg hooking up the defibrillators, I quickly hold down beast boy, hmm he feels different. Cyborg shouted "CLEAR!" And shocked beast boy, he followed this pattern over and over again, each time the same result. After ten minutes of the constant cycle of clear and shock we gave up, no matter how much it hurt...he was gone. By now the alert sirens had automatically shut off, now all that drifted through the air was the sound of the flatline. Cyborg reached over and unhooked beast boy from the heart monitor.

"So...he's gone?" Cyborg states in a questioning tone.

"I guess's so," I said in a sullen tone."unreal." We said together both with a shocked tone that had a hint of surprise in it. We walked out with blank faces, we came to discover Robin and starfire were both standing there outside the room.

"Don't tell me..." Robin stated, he couldn't even finish the sentence. I looked at him with a pained face, I closed my eyes and looked away from him.

"No no no, this can't be happening." He rushed into the room, leaving starfire behind. She was so confused and unsure, suddenly a tear slipped from her tearduct  and slid down her cheek. It drooped off her jaw and fell to the ground, I watched it fall in slow motion, as it hit the floor I heard the gunshot from yesterday, the one that has killed beast boy.

I was ripped violently from my thoughts as starfire sucked in a load of air, she started to ball whilst falling to her knees and hunching over on the ground. Tears started to form a river down my own cheeks, I turned to leave and walked down the hallway. I make it to my room, I head straight to my bed before lying down and silently crying. I cried for what seemed like hours before falling to a deep slumber of pain and agony.
Back with BeastBoy

I felt the wind hit my face as I flew in the form of an eagle,I decided to finally land in a small town to get a new outfit. I went into a little gas station and picked up some jeans, a plain shirt, and a hoodie. I bought the items with a few 20s I had in my wallet. I went to the bathroom, and washed my hair with water, I also washed my body with a hand towel I bought with the clothes. I changed into the new outfit I bought, before heading out I grabbed my old uniform. I was heading out the store when I saw a bag, and some water. I realized I had quite the journey ahead of me so I grabbed a hiking bag, 2 big water bottles some chips, apples, and healthy bars. I bought the items and loaded them into the bag including my old uniform.(ok for the sake of the story, when beast boy transforms anything that isn't alive and is on him or in his pockets go with him). He transformed into an eagle and flew off, he headed towards China as he knew monks were there. Oh the journey he had before him.
Ok wow guys this is a looooonnnnggggg chapter so yea your welcome lol. I will update again soon. Now I know a lot of you are like " wow boo how could you do this, I'm so mad." Well look it'll all add up in the upcoming chapters.

So I don't know if I wanna give you like brief insiders on what's going on every time something important happens or if I should skip straight to when he comes back. Comment which one you prefer I kinda wanna do brief insiders on his accomplishments. But yea I'm gonna go now see you in the next chapter.

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