Is he still alive?

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Raven crossed her room for the millionth time the hour deep in thought. She as moping around like usual since Beast Boy had died, or so she thought. Raven was looking through her belongings with dread, she was searching for some sign of remembrance for her friend...her lover. She had come across a empty place, she realized that her spell book was missing. She scoured her room for it before coming across it under a pile of clothes. It was open to a specific page. Raven read it and was shocked from what she saw, an ounce of hope sprouted in her chest. It was open to the fake body spell, she had never actually used the spell, not recently at least. 'Could he still be alive, my Beast Boy somewhere out there?'. Since then she has been contemplating the possibility of such events occurring, calculations and prayers to some unknown god begging for this revelation to be true. When she looked at the time for a split second she had to do a double take, it was roughly 11:30 p.m. Raven fell into her bed comforted with a soft landing of blankets and sheets, she climbed into bed wrapping herself into a cocoon of blue and black. She slipped into a dream state while the thought of Beast Boy lingering in her thoughts.


I awoke with a pain in my neck, i slept at the bottom of a tree hunched over it with the hope of it acting as a pillow. I had finished my training with the monks and have become quite skilled with dark magic. Yes i know that dark magic has proven wrong once before with Raven, however it doesn't feed from my soul but feeds from the beasts soul. With this i have learned that i have better control over the beast that lurks beneath my skin, the thing that has scared me for years now. I head off to a circus, it sounds silly but i will train with the acrobatics to become more agile and limber. I can already feel myself maturing, both physically and mentally that is. My survival instincts can now be utilized for I have no home... I have nowhere to settle down with a warm blanket. I am not allowed to cuddle deep into my sheets, entangling myself with the cloth and sleeping like a kitten. 

But all is for the better, if this is for the better then whats the point in trying to argue. He sighs with discomfort as his neck prods at his nerves. His head lolls back and he feels it creak and crack with said movement. His thoughts stray from his current dilemma, he imagines the future moments of which he will spend once his training is finished. He then ponders to what his teammates will think once he shows what his adventures have created. Would they be happy that he's home and safe, or would they be mad for lying about dying? Regardless of the fact he wasn't actually dead, would they kick him into the street like a stray dog? Questions swarmed his mind, they ran as though they were on fire-from one side of the 'room' to the other.

Beast boy continued to walk off into the forest searching for his future carnival calling. He would pass multiple trees that tower over him like a giant watching down upon a mouse. His steps would sound the crunch of dry leaves under his feet, while the grass sways delicately around him. He was one that could be referenced to be in touch with nature, however he had never payed much attention to said thing. The way the grass danced from one side to the other-the wind brushing past it, was as though it resembled the water and how it crashes upon the shore with organized waves and mounds of water. If this was another lesson to learn, he might actually grasp it faster than any of the others that he will come face to face with.


Thank you for reading, i know its short and i haven't posted in a while. However i'm trying to get this story done, im sorry for any inconvenience in the way i post this story. Alright love you guys! <3  

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