Green shades of blood

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The gunshot echoed through all of the Titans ears. It sent a ringing in the ears of the heroines, all of them were shocked in position.

Suddenly beast boy fell backwards into the arms of cyborg, in his chest was a hole seeping with blood. His eyes rolled back into his head like if they were going into hiding as a snail does.

Robin quickly bird-a-ranged the armed culprit sending him into unconsciousness. He tied him up and called the police. Everyone surrounded Beastboy, everyone was shocked.

"Raven, teleport you cyborg and bb to the tower. Get him to the medical wing and cyborg hook him up to the medical stuff." Said robin in his leader tone.

Raven quickly obliged and teleported them to the Titan tower. Cyborg quickly scooped up bb and ran to the medical wing with Raven in tow.

Once they arrive cyborg sets beastboy on the bed and sets him up to the different beeping systems by the bed. He instantly started to patch up beastboy.

Ravens mind was all over the place, her one true love; the only one that can make her truly happy. Was just shot in the chest and might not survive. She was thinking about all the times she got mad at him and treated him like crap. She thought of all the times she could have told him how she truly felt.

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