The injury

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The two titans arrived in the common room together. They instantly started being barked orders at. They understood all of what robin told them, this villain was unidentifiable and they had to take it easy cause they didn't know their extent.

After everyone confirmed they were ready they took off, raven starfire and beast boy were flying; robin and cyborg were on their own vehicles. As he soareed through the skys, Beast boy was in thought about what to do with the situation with raven, it felt as though after years she was unraveling right before his eyes. Raven was also in thought, she was thinking about what beast boy will do with the new information he has gathered.

Finally they arrived at the scene, it was the city bank, they still held strong after so many robberies by both mortals and super humans.A figure was seen coming out of the smoke tht had been created from an exposion, a man walked out of the bank, he was mysterious but he looked mortal. He had no special skin, eye, or even hair color. He wasn't built in any way, he was completely normal. He looked up and was slightly frightened, but he held his stone cold gaze, he held his ground almost as well as mammoth.

"Sir put down the money and put your hands up." Ordered robin.

All the man did was chuckle with a hoarse voice full of secret thoughts.

"All right fine. TITANS G-" robin yelled before being cut off by a gunshot.

The man whipped out a pistol in a matter of seconds, no milliseconds and shot the gun.

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