Catching up with the beast.

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Throughout the canyon there seemed to be no noise. Then you came to a monk temple where you could hear the grunts and the clacking of sticks. Beyond the walls of the temple was a green boy in scrubs. He had his legs crossed and his hands at his side. He was deep in meditation, the gong was pounded on sending shockwaves of sound through the temple and the canyon. In an instant he opened his eyes, he had grown his hair out longer and had a black scrub that a ninja would wear in training.

He got up and went to his table, there he opened a large book such as the one Raven had in her room. He flipped through the pages needlessly, before he came upon a spell that caught his eye. He grabbed a pit of water and built up some mantra, he summoned a spell into the water. The reflection changed to Raven helplessly searching for him, tears streaming down her eyes. He clenched his teeth and dumped the water. He continued to train with the workbook, he was practicing simple an medium spells. He was getting better by the day, he would soon leave off to his next visit.

He had gotten better at sword and stick fighting as well. He had been able to take down everyone in the temple except the head master, he failed and kneeled at the feet of the master bleeding and in pain. He had decided to work harder than before and now he is slightly under the master in skill level, soon he would be able to exceed even the master at this.

The temple was raised by a enemy temple and they had gotten in to destroy a sacred vase holding an ancestor of power. The village almost fell but beast boy had helped them fight and was able to drive them away, not many were killed but enough to make a difference. He led a group into the temple t night and demolished the enemy temple, the young were killed along with the woman and men. He brought the head of the master to his own where he was granted respect and praise. He was deeply wounded by what he had done that night but it felt right almost, the beast was calmed and ok with this level of action. He almost craved the blood of the enemy now but he snapped out of it and meditated.
Hey it me! And yes before you yell at me, I understand that monks and ninjas are different but I feel like this fit and plus I wanted to add it. It all adds to the story later on. Alright cool, love you guys and continue reading.

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