Ravens breakdown.

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This will only be in Ravens pov.
Everything seemed to fail at the same time. I got home and headed to my room, head down and blank face glued on. I walked in, when it opened the door blew my hair around lightly, revealing a small tear that slid down my cheek beautifully gracefully and slowly. I walked in and stopped, my door went swoosh behind me and a breeze hit my neck. All of a sudden every little bit of hope, will, strength, and courage snapped. My knees buckled hitting the floor, my arms dropped to my sides my hands lightly touching the floor. My head lost balance and fell over forward, I was looking at my body and thinking how pathetic I was. Tears slowly came out more and more, they ran like a river swiftly down my cheeks and onto my knees. I soon fell over and just cried, cursing myself for being this way. After what felt like forever, the sobbing and wet feeling on my cheeks slowly faded away.

I woke up in a heap of a mess, all contorted on the floor where I was crying, but something...was licking me? I look up to see a dog, not any dog though; no no no a green dog. I jumped up excitedly and hugged it, the dog whimpered and licked my neck my eyes were streaming with tears again, but this time happy tears.

He ended up escaping my embrace and ran through the door, I smiled lightly and got up to follow him. I walked into the hallway just to turn right and see something horrifying. The hallway melded into what seemed to be hell, and at the end was my father in demon form. In his disgusting mouth, he was clenching the dog with his sharp teeth, blood lightly oozing out. The dog whimpered lightly as it was in its helpless state. " Hello my dear, what did I tell you about loving things...THEY WILL ALL DIE!" His voice shouted at me from my head, after he said this he chomped down cutting into the flesh of the poor dog. It howled in pain before its head slanted over lifelessly. Blood spurted everywhere coating the halls the floor the ceiling...and me. I was sprayed with a mist of blood. I started to cry, the tears streamed down my cheeks mixing with the blood to make what appeared to be bloody tears.

I woke up in a start, blasting to my feet I clutched myself onto the wall and looked around. As soon as I realized everything was fine and the new normal, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I went to my bed and flopped down onto it. I slowly drifted to sleep.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed the update and there is more to come. Love you!

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