Beast boys pov

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After the encounter with Raven....and a strange penny that appeared meaningless. I started to think about gow strangely she reacted at the penny falling down. It seems she's embarrased by having a penny on her in the first place, which if she isnt she need not worry as i have tons of tem. I went to the living room and sat down to harvest this information with a little bit of video games. Though my attention appeared to be on the brain killing screen, it was really focused on this whole strange ordeal with Rae.

Without any warning, i was ripped from my thoughts to the real world, i heard a high pitched scream coming from down the hallway. For some reason my brain instantly piped up with a quick idea that Raven could be hurt or in danger, so like any good friend i launched off the couch, down the hallway and to her door. I started banging on the door, no response just an erie quiet behind the door, i start punching in numbers to the key pad and to no avail. I pray that she isnt gonna kill me for this, following that i turn to a small insect and crawl under the door. A book came crashing down next to me, I turned to my human form as fast as i could, the room is a mess. 

There are books twirling and dancing in the air, so many scattered about as if distressed from a child jumping up and scaring them as pigeons. I was in shock to see the determined goth, the one that noone could get to show even the slightst emotion- she was in so much distress and pain. She had her teeth clenched, eyes shut tightly as her back was arched from pain. Her forehead was drenched with sweat, he hair was seperated as it was soaked. I rushed over to her easily dodging the items flying around the room as if its a normal afternoon. 

He sat on her bed as she was mumbling something under her breath, she seemed so terrified of someting unknown to the changeling. He started to shake her and lightly pat her cheek, he did so as he softly said her name into her ear over and over. To no success he looked at her face, he gazed at her as she slept with such a horrid expression glued down. He sensed something and saw a bookshelf tip over towards him and Raven, he shot down towards Raven to keep her from getting hurt-  he was screaming her name as he held her from the falling furniture. Before he could proccess any pain whatsoever, he was in the loud moment of fear and excitement, then next he was in a black place.


Yes i know its bad, howver ive made it better than before. Now its a little better and i fixed some stuff up.

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