Thank you!

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Hello my dear readers!

It's been 14 months since I started "Dissolving" - and what a journey it has been (again)! I want to thank each and every one of you for your wonderful support, vocal or silent. For being patient when the story line may have dragged on a bit and for sticking around to the (admittedly slightly shocking) end of this book. It has been an incredibly rewarding year for me and you guys were an important part of making this process such a cool experience.

I cannot even start to put in words how inspiring your reads, votes and comments are and how much I appreciate you following my profile, although I am a horrible human being and don't follow anyone back (btw, this is simply because I am crap when it comes to using social media and I just don't actively pursue it). Not to mention all the theories you guys so happily throw around. They have given me a lot to think about and they are always very entertaining to read.

These comments help me re-evaluate the story lines that I have already planned out and put them into perspective for me (as I told you many times before, the main plot has been fixed in my mind since the start of these books, and it won't change, no matter your sometimes genius ideas). Your feedback is also invaluable to me as a non-American, non-native-English-speaker and no-longer-a-teenager. It helps to make this story at least a bit relatable to my readers (at least I like to think so). So, thank you very much for that, too!

Now, what's in store for book #3?

First of all, I can reveal that its title will be "Rekindling". It symbolises the journey Lily and her family have gone through and will be going through in the future. In book #1, their tight-knight family started to tear at the seams. Then all the many secrets became a lot more strenuous on their sibling relationship in book #2. Now, the goal of the last book in this trilogy is to bring them all back together after they suffered terrible heartbreak and loss (and no, I won't apologise for what I did to Sam - it was always supposed to happen).

However, until they can get to a point where things and relationships are truly mended, there's still a bit of hardship to endure, I'm afraid. But I always promised you that things will get better – and I'll keep my word! Plus, of course, all the secrets will be revealed. When I say all, I mean all of them. No more lies and no more covering stuff up. Lily will find out everything that she ever wanted to know - and more. Plus we may get the meet the odd biological parent, too.

I hope you will continue with me on Lily's journey to learn the truth while dealing with several emotional situations. Although she has a great support system, including some wonderful friends (hint, hint), it sure would mean a lot if you guys stuck around for it, too.

Thanks again for your incredible support, your loyalty and your patience with this book as well as my journey as a writer. I appreciate you all way more than you can imagine.

Look after yourself, stay safe, enjoy life as much as possible and try to think of at least one positive, uplifting thing a day to make this annual free journey around the sun all worth it.


And here's the new cover (once again, a photo from my own private collection, so all rights are mine):

And here's the new cover (once again, a photo from my own private collection, so all rights are mine):

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PS - I don't know yet when I will post the first chapter of "Rekindling". I need a few weeks to clear my mind and to get started on this final book. Also, I am hoping to make new aesthetics, however, I am not exactly the most visually creative person, so it might take a while to get that done (or I may just give up halfway through and not do it...). I hope to have something up sometime in January for you guys.

[Synopsis of book #3 still to come]

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