Chapter 13

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So, it has been a couple of months since Lizzie and I started dating.
Florence went back to London 2 weeks ago to do some interviews but should be back next month.

Lizzie and I became official on August 16th. Now, it's February 1st and Lizzie's birthday is on the 16th. Plus, it's valentine's on the 14th and I have no idea what I should do.

I have grown really close with her sisters, so I'm hoping that they will help me.


I know you're probably super busy
But I need your help
Yours and Ashley's
Can you guys come over?
Or we can meet somewhere

Yeah, we can come over.

Can you come over around 10?
Lizzie has to go on set
And I don't want her to know about any of this.

Of course.
Text me when she leaves and we'll be right over.
Have you eaten anything or should we bring breakfast with us?

I ate but I'll be down for a donut or something if you can.

Of course.
See you then.

See you.

I closed my phone when I saw Lizzie coming my way....
L: What's going on sweetheart?
Me: Nothing...... (I said in a singing voice)
L: You're being very secretive.... You're never like this. Is something wrong?
Me: I don't want to tell you what it is but nothing's wrong. I promise.
L: Y/N..... Please tell me love. I'll just get worried.....
Me: I can't tell you. I'm looking at gifts for Valentine's Day. I don't want you to see anything.
L: You're so cute, you know that.....
Me: Yup. I'm adorable.
L: Yes, you are......

Lizzie bent down and started making out with me, since I was seated in a chair at the kitchen table.
We started having sex about 2 months ago. At first it was difficult, so she didn't pressure me and let me take the steps but now I'm finally past it.
I'm absolutely in love with this woman but we haven't told each other 'I love you' yet. I want to say it on Valentine's day but I'm afraid that it'll ruin it if she doesn't say it back. I have to talk to her sisters.

L: Do you want to set some ground rules to make this easier?
Me: What do you mean?
L: Like rules for the present. We can put in place some rules, so that it won't be so stressful and we know that we are spending similar amounts on the gift.
Me: I like that idea. Ok, let's do it.
L: First of all the budget.
Me: What about it?
L: How much do you want it to be?
Me: I don't know.... You decide. I still haven't gotten your gift but I know you have. So, however much you spent on my gift, just put a budget on it.
L: I got you one of your gifts sweetheart. I haven't finished shopping yet.....
Me: Then, decide on a budget.....
L: How about...... 10 thousand dollars?
Me: Ok, I can work with that. 10K.
L: Do you have any other rules in mind?
Me: You cannot refuse the gift.
L: As long as it's under 10K, we won't refuse it.
Me: Deal.
L: I have to go baby. I'll see you tonight around 10. I wrap my scenes around 9-9:30.
Me: Ok love. Have fun..... Be safe.....

After she went, I texted MK and she showed up after 20 minutes with Ashley and a box full of donuts and coffee.

Me: Have I told you how much I love you guys?!
A: Only like a gazillion times.
MK: You only love us, because we bring you food.....
Me: And coffee.....
A: So, what's going on? What do you need help with?
Me: It's valentine's day in 2 weeks and Lizzie's Birthday 2 days later. I have no idea what I should get her.
A: What are you thinking?
Me: I was thinking a trip, but she wanted to put some ground rules and the budget is 10K. I can't plan a trip for only that much.....
MK: I know!! She said that YOU can't spend more than 10K, right?
Me: Yeah......
MK: How about I spend it?!! Like I can buy the tickets and everything else and you can just pay me afterwards. You wouldn't be the one spending the money..... So technically, it's still under the budget.
Me: You're a genius!!!
A: But that's not fair..... She isn't going to spend that much on your present.....
Me: That's ok, because whatever she gets me will be incredibly special to me. So the price doesn't matter.
A: The same applies to her. It won't matter how much you spend, as long as it's coming from you.
Me: I know but I want to treat her right.... This is the first valentine and birthday we're spending together and I want to spoil her. She always gets me random presents. Like, she would go on a run and see something that reminds her of me, and then she buys it. I want to take her somewhere and romance her.
MK: Ohh!! Take her to Spain!! She has never been there but has always wanted to go.
Me: That's perfect. I have a place there and I can speak fluent Spanish. It will be romantic.
A: No, it will be hot!!
Me: Let's hope. Now, let me grab some paper and we can get started on the planning.

Y/N × Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now