2 (2/3)

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"Steven!" You exclaim, trying to see over his shoulder, only catching a glimpse of Dr. Banner's distressed face before it disappears behind a thick bush. "Stop!"

"I will help." The giant shushes, and weaves through trees and vines, jumping over rocks effortlessly. His breathing remains controlled, fingers digging into your flesh.

The wind wisps against your cheeks as you bury your face in Steven's chest, clinging to him, dearly hoping he won't trip and tumble with you in his arms. Your nails are probably piercing into his skin, but he doesn't say anything, only slowing to a light jog.

You feel fingers prodding at your face, "Open."

With uncertainty, you slowly unburrow yourself from his hard chest, peeking one eye open.

For the third time today, you almost get a heart attack. A huge trunk is before your face, it curls up and touches Steven's head before moving away. The owner of the trunk is a graceful creature, quiet and its big eyes meet yours.

An elephant, an adult elephant—it was so quiet. Such a huge animal exists in utter silence.

As the animal starts walking away, Steven sets you down and follows.

You stand there dumbly for a moment, watching them step into the wide-open clearing, into the sunshine. Tentatively, you trail after them, pushing aside vines and branches, the dirt squishing beneath your boots.

The clearing is picturesque. Shades of green and beige grass over gentle hills, a few trees of different sizes scattered around, their shadows dancing on the earth.

"Come, she is friendly." Steven beckons, his hand petting the massive elephant with gentle strokes. "Friend."

Timidly, you obey, fingertips barely brushing the rough skin. An audible gasp escapes you as the animal nudges your hand, leaning into it. You can't help but laugh, the bubbly feeling stripping away your hesitation, replacing it with that familiar childlike amazement.

"She has a baby. Over there." Steven beams, pointing to the rest of the herd. Amongst the elephants were a few calves, playing and tumbling over their trunks.

You giggle. "They're so cute."

Steven blinks, "Cute?"

Right. He wouldn't know that word, he probably doesn't know a lot of words. It's obvious he's spent a great amount of time in the jungle, judging by his stature, clothing and behaviour, he's been here most, if not all of his life.

"It's when something is endearing, pretty, or delightful," You try to put it in simple terms, "It makes you feel pleased, good... in a soft way."

"Cute." He tests.

"Yes, cute."

Steven points to your chest, licking his lips. "You, cute."

You're about to thank him, but you look down. The buttons of your shirt have popped off, undoubtedly from being attacked to the ground. Since you didn't wear a bra because laundry day wasn't until tomorrow, your breasts were completely exposed. Jesus, they're in his face! Embarrassment floods as you think how long you've been like this. Oh no, did Dr. Banner see?

You quickly cover yourself, humiliated, holding your shirt closed to the collar. "Fuck."


"No, don't—" You quickly cut yourself off. Steven was old enough to swear, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, but should he curse if he doesn't know what the words mean?

"What is fuck?"

You take a slow breath, desperately wishing the world would offer a break. You'd take anything to get out of this situation. "It's a curse word. People say it when they're angry, frustrated or upset, or when something goes wrong."

What A World; Steve Rogers x Reader (Tarzan AU) [reader insert]Where stories live. Discover now