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An awful sinking feeling fills you, making you tense and jittery all at once. Your heartbeat picks up, the thumping taking over your senses, you could feel it in your brain. You were going to die, you were sure of it.

Steve's head snaps in your direction, eyes narrowed. "What's wrong?"

Your toes curl over the edge, the rocks digging into your feet. Shaking your head, you step backwards. "I don't know if I could jump."

The rushing water should calm you, as should the foam and clear blue that awaits at the bottom of the falls. But at this height, with a good drop of 20 feet, your heart felt like it was in your throat.

Big palms land on your arms, stroking down to your hands. "You're scared."

Closing your eyes and inhaling deeply, allowing Steve's warmth to ease your nerves.

"We can climb down, or take path." The giant steps closer when you don't speak. He cradles your face, "Your heart is loud when you're scared." 

When you open your eyes, your knees go weak. The prettiest of blues with hints of green surrounding his pupil, framed by thick lashes. Steve blinks, pressing his forehead to yours with a quiet grunt. "Don't like when you're scared..." His deep tone washes over you, hushing the whirlwind within your head and, most importantly, your fears.

The power he holds in something as simple as his voice.

"When you're scared—my... I feel the same? Here." He brings your hand to his chest. Under your fingertips and beneath his skin, you can feel the dull pulse of his heart.

You squirm when his face nuzzles yours, facial hair scratching the side of your face and down to your neck. A single kiss is pressed, followed by a playful nip, "Can go down, don't have to jump... just thought it would be fun." He mumbles against you, nosing under your ear as he soaks in your scent. His arms tie around your waist, keeping you flush against him. "Path is just down the side, could still see water—"

"No!" Your shout is so abrupt that Steve jumps, looking down at you in confusion. "I want to. I just—" You couldn't tell him that you needed to cool down from his affectionate touches, he'd be even more puzzled. The water would probably be cold, and that was what your wild fantasies and heated centre needed. Or else, you feared you'd jump this man at the top of this waterfall.

Looking down at the falls, the oxygen feels thinner as you start to get anxious all over again. Steve notices, you think it's because your heart's racing again, yet it's also because you've got a death grip on his hand.

"Ready?" He smiles, a little dimple appearing on his bearded cheek.

Oh, goodness, this man has a dimple. How you had not noticed before was beyond you, but it definitely sealed your fate right then and there.

Together, you pace back with carefully calculated steps until the rock beneath your feet has turned into the moist dirt. One last glance at you and a silent confirmation, and you're running hand-in-hand to the edge. You almost hesitate, but your body continues.

The high is instant, the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you fall. This, not touching the Earth ground in the jungle, or a concrete road in the city, just Steve. With his hand entwined with yours, you can feel his good-natured spirit for a split second before you land in the freezing water.

The splash is loud, the shock of the water waking you up as you swim to the surface. Gasping for a breath, arms and legs keeping you afloat, you look around for Steve. Then, he pops up. Hair smoothed down his head, a few shades darker and contrasting against his skin. He shakes his head, droplets splattering you in the face.

What A World; Steve Rogers x Reader (Tarzan AU) [reader insert]Where stories live. Discover now