11 (3/3)*

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"Wake up... please."

You flip over, squinting at the harsh sunlight. "Hm?"

Steve is facing you with a blanket barely covering his muscular form. He smiles, hair messy and eyes soft. "Sex again?"

You giggle sleepily as he crawls over you, nuzzling your neck and nipping your cheek. He kisses you gently, fingers tracing down your body. "I almost forgot you barely need rest."

"You okay? Good sleep?"

"Best sleep."

He pulls away, thick lashes brushing his cheekbones, "...can experience you again? Before work, please?"

You lace your fingers in his long hair, lightly tugging. His eyes fall shut and his hips sink between your thighs, bare as you, he slowly grinds. "Take me however you please, baby."

You peek from the corner of your eye at the giant who was still staring at you, his clear blue gaze searing into your skull, you honestly think he could read your thoughts. Although, you know if he did, he wouldn't be staring at you in the first place.


"No, Steve."

It's quiet for a few moments and he averts his gaze to his little notepad, pencil still in hand. "...upset?"

You sigh, "Why would I be upset over a barista?"

There's a long pause, "Flirting?"

"She wasn't flirting with you, she was just asking if you wanted whipped cream on your drink."

Steve was still getting the hang of certain mannerisms and apparently, everything that was remotely kind was classified as flirting in his eyes.

Especially when it was towards you. You can still remember the terrified face of the mail carrier who had complimented the array of plants on your windowsill in your office, Steve happened to be on a break between his classes and saw the whole thing. The poor mail carrier had dashed out the door after Steve growled and scowled like a wild animal, establishing his dominance by hovering like a shadow, glaring them down until they tucked their tail between their legs and left.

It didn't help that an intern who had occasionally flirted with you entered right after. Somehow, he didn't notice the giant man in your office and proceeded to slyly chat you up with his eyes on his phone, texting away. Once his phone was away, he was met with the deadly gaze of a manbeast, jaw clenched as tightly as his fists.

The blood immediately drained from his face, and the young man profusely apologized and excused himself. He shut the door but that didn't stop Steve from thundering down the hall after him. You raced after him, bumping into other scientists until ramming into his wide back, the elevator doors barely saving the young intern from an ill fate.

Calming Steve down had been a mission itself, one that involved missing clothes, shut curtains and your office desk breaking. You were stuttering with warm cheeks while explaining the incident to Tony after he caught you disposing of your broken desk. Although, he made sure to order you a new, very sturdy one.

As if on cue, the intern walks in, his eyes bugging out of his head when he spots Steve, sitting next to you with a thick novel in his hands. Broad shoulders stretching the white henley, hair slightly touselled.

"Can help, boy?" The blond hisses, leaning towards you protectively.

The young man's eyes flash between you and the documents in his hand. He slowly inches backward, "Dr. Banner wanted you to look over, uh, his recent physical test."

What A World; Steve Rogers x Reader (Tarzan AU) [reader insert]Where stories live. Discover now