7 (4/5)

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You must have dozed off in his arms because when you open your eyes, his treehouse welcomes your blurry vision. You slip out of his grasp and stretch, yawning as you wait for him to retrieve the vine. But he doesn't.

"Should go." Steve refuses to release your hand. He tugs you back into him, eyes darting around the area.

Your legs start to feel weak again, you dreaded another animal attack. "Are the hyenas back?"

Fear creeps back into your head, toeing past that barrier built by Steve and you assume the worst. Maybe the pack of hyenas are back for seconds and they brought certain friends. You'd certainly be outnumbered by the rows of teeth and claws. You anticipate the wet snarling and snapping jaws, but hear a very different sound. Even clicking surrounds you, quiet enough that you strain your ears to hear it.

Circling you and Steve aren't animals—animals don't have guns, fully cocked and loaded.

A small cylindrical device rolls towards you and stops a few inches from your feet. Steve moves to shove you behind him just as the deafening bang and blinding flash erupts. And just like that, you're entirely disoriented. Your ears are ringing, the sound bouncing off the walls of your skull and you're bent forward with watery eyes.

The blond is the same. Hands covering both his ears, rapidly blinking to see through the sudden smoke. He's too confused to fight off the agents that come rushing from the treeline.

Strategically, one of them tries to snatch you away, while four people latch onto Steve, yanking him the other way. You dig your feet into the dirt and try to shake off the fuzzy feeling in your head. You helplessly watch, though it's all distorted like there's doubles of everything and all sounds muffled like you're underwater.

One of the agents tries to inject the over-six-foot man, but Steve elbows their middle, the needle falling to the ground. The rest of the operatives attempt to pin him down, one locks their arm around his neck while the others restrain his arms. Steve lets out a strangled growl as he lands on his knees, his eyes squeezed shut.

"—Hey, get off of him!" You wrestle with the arms holding you back, "Let go of him, you're scaring him!"

A gunshot fires, stopping your heart.

"No shooting—what the hell are you thinking!" A bold voice booms.

That same voice calls your name as the owner steps into your line of view. Tony tells the man to release you. You're still roughly squirming when he does, and without him holding you up, you tumble into Tony. Your wrist bends awkwardly and you cry out, the pain increasing tenfold.

An array of grunts, groans and one conclusive crack later, you see Steve standing above an agent with their collar in his fist. The rest of them are lying on the ground, moving but clearly hurt in some way.

You're frozen as you watch Steve rear back his fist, panic wrapping around your throat, cutting your voice.

In the blink of an eye, loud electric sounds break the tension and Steve hunches over, a pained groan pushing out from his clenched jaw as the agent scurries away. On his side are glowing blue probes, a high-pitched buzz filling the air as black boots land on the dirt.

Steve slowly stands to his feet and tears the electroshock bites from his skin, leaving red welts in its wake. They heal immediately.

Everyone collectively inhales as Steve turns around, his face screwed darkly. The ground trembling with his growl.

The familiar redhead stands prepared, steely green eyes set on the giant. Swiftly, she reaches behind her back and whips out batons, one in each hand as they glow with electricity.

What A World; Steve Rogers x Reader (Tarzan AU) [reader insert]Where stories live. Discover now