10 (2/3)*

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Steve can't help the nervousness bubbling in his stomach as he stares down at the bouquet that he made himself at the florists with Sam and Bucky.

This journey actually began with Bruce.

"Love like science?"

Steve trusts Bruce, almost as much as he trusts you. And when he finds the guts to ask about the odd feelings inside him, he goes to the doctor. Although, Bruce wasn't very knowledgeable in that department and he warns Steve as such.

"Will talk with Buck and Sam, but want to hear Bruce first," Steve says confidently.

The doctor is nose-deep in a thick novel, currently on his lunch break. "You can just tell her, Steve, or make a grand gesture. Whatever you feel is right and whenever it feels right." Bruce tries to be helpful. Truthfully, he's honoured that Steve came to him first, off all people the man has come to know, he still goes to the first person he's formed a friendship with. "Unlike experiments, there aren't specific steps for telling someone your feelings."

"Nothing to follow?"

"Nothing to follow." Bruce smiles softly, "Just do what you feel when you feel it's right."

Before the journey, it was a wondrous whirlwind that grew from when he accidentally threw away your rough version of a document, the one you've been working on for weeks. He just wanted to please you, do some spring cleansing, "it's cleaning, Steve, not cleansing," in your shared home.

He dusted the shelves, wiped the windows, cleaned the couch and scrubbed the floor. He also got rid of anything that looked like garbage and in his defence, your bundle of papers was a mess with various scribbles, crinkled sheets and coffee stains on the cover. So, he tossed it in the recycling.

One can imagine the rage you felt after coming home to a missing thirty-plus-page document.

You didn't yell at him, instead, you just sulked into your bedroom and locked the door. Exhausted out of your mind, and completely discouraged.

Steve waited for you to come out, sitting in front of the door and tentatively asking about your day, then when you didn't answer, he told you about his.

"Got perfect on physics test... and English paper you helped me write..." He taps on the door, sitting before it like a child. He glances at the doorknob, trying it once again but deflating when it wouldn't open. "Am sorry, sunshine. Didn't know—just wanted to do kind thing for you... always work so hard, always so kind. Missed you so much today too—" He presses his forehead on the wood, closing his eyes, "never meant to hurt, hate when you get hurt or upset."

He perks up as he hears the shuffling of sheets and jumps to his feet as the lock clicks. He bursts through, sweeping you into his thick arms and kissing all over your face, but after feeling the wetness on your cheeks, he pulls away.

His heart physically aches, like a thousand thorns stabbing his chest. "Oh... so sad?"

You inhale shakily, the softness in his voice making you break down all over again.

"Working too hard, too much. Need break." Steve frowns, holding you tightly. His bare chest is warm under your cheek. "Will be super careful next time, promise. Will also treat sunshine—be tender."

From there, bloomed the sweetest displays. Steve put the recipe book to great use, cooking you meals every day and baking you sweets at night and over the weekends. He even had a little apron, always welcoming you home with a beaming smile and delicious food, kissing you breathlessly before setting up a relaxing bath for you.

What A World; Steve Rogers x Reader (Tarzan AU) [reader insert]Where stories live. Discover now