Bad memories. (Alice)

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Dont mind the top if you can see it))
TW: mentioned abuse, implied ED, school shootings, intense gore, general shit you find in my stories tbh.

I need to find James, and I need to find James fast.

I'm in a massive panic. Nothing's going alright. I'm gonna tell you all why I'm panicking, but first there's things you desperately need to understand, to comprehend.

None of us were just born the way we are now.

Back in like- grade school, I think, there was a massive school shooting. Now, I was in 5th grade with Stan, and James was in 2nd with Ralph and Fraud. Of course, it happened at lunch, the one place where we are all together. James hadn't ate in several days so I tried talking him into eating. He just really didn't see the point in it anymore, and couldn't bring himself to do it. Ralph and Fraud were being general dumbos, talking sports and stuff. Fraud, known at this time as Jacob, was head of basketball. Ralph, like any foolish stereotype, was in the football team. He didn't like being casted as 'just a quarterback,' but that's how it was. Stan was drawing with his new sketchpad. It was 1999, I think. I was just trying to push my bandaid onto the scratch of my mom's nails. Our mom really didn't like us, to the point she flirted with Ralph's dad and then came hone aggressive. This isn't the point, I'm gonna get to the point.

"So, as I was saying, Josh thr-" Ralph started.
The intercom came on.
"Attention students, please get to a safe space and try to HIDE. There is an active shooter in our building. I repeat, an active shooter in our building."
James decided the best course of action was to follow Ralph into the hallway, as he thought that a hall monitor and a quarterback could stand match against a fully grown adult with a gun.

Of course, this didn't work, because this active child murderer had stabbed Ralph, and then shot James multiple times before taking his head. Stan was soon killed off trying to pry the head away to safely return to the body of my beloved brother. Fraud, being blind, couldn't see where to go, so naturally he was easy target. Several other students were getting killed off. Eventually, The active attacker found me and shot around my chest and neck. He had aimed for my head but grazed my eye instead, putting it out.

Several things later, I knew we were in the hospital. I obviously didn't survive due to untreated injuries. My brother was long gone, and since they couldn't get his head they replaced it with some weird disco light. Stan was put into a state of Depression so bad he simply refused to let anyone treat him. Fraud just couldn't live, being shot in the head. Ralph eventually died last, and TLH, known as Benjamin around this time, being the doctor who had to watch his son die, couldn't handle the circumstances of losing his son a few years after he lost his wife. Soon...he joined us.

Eventually, people decided to test on us. That's how we ended up here.

And that brings us to the problem now. Those same people who tested on us are in our mazes. We don't want them here. It's our territory, and we don't want them to invade it. I finally gathered James and helped bring him to the meeting room, otherwise known as my party room. It's NORMALLY my closet, but it's fine because they don't know where it is. We sit and hide until they dissappear from our 4-part labyrinth. This day brought back bad memories.

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