Uncle El

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We've been at the Velez's for a week. This is the longest I've ever seen Nala sleep and to be quite honest, it's felt like an eternity since she slept like this. The babies are both alright, thankfully.

I sat up in the bed and looked over at the twins sound fully asleep, I looked over at Nala and it was a scene that i was familiar with, although she was sleeping, she held my hand. I leaned over to kiss it and she had woken up from her sleep, her forehead and my chin collided it was a slight thump to cause Jude and Mon-El to come running in asking "Are the kids alright?"

Mary started to cry, I picked her up, "Shhh... everything is just fine."

"Yes everyone is ok, you too have to work on quietness levels." Nala said. She then looked at me and I gave her Mary. Mary started smiling and cooing.

"Sorry." Both of them said and they stepped into the hall and went downstairs. Mrs. Velez came in, she smiled at the both of them and then turned to the twins smiled and then the smile quickly faded when she looked at Nala and I.

"What?" Nala asked as she closed the door.

"The doors are sound proof?" She asked and we nodded. "Ok, we love having you all here, Mon-El too but man, he can eat. And with Nala getting her appetite back. Then I think Jude is growing again or something... too many heroes, my fridge is looking bare. And I'm running out of things to make. Please spare me." She said laying face down in the mattress earning a chuckle from Nala.

"This reminds me of the Nala, how come all of your meal prep lunches are gone speech, when I was twelve." Nala said.

"Yes at that was just after, sweetie the thanksgiving dinner is for everyone one lecture." She said and I looked at Nala.

"What I didn't know Thanksgiving was like a feast for all of the champions... actually indigenous people's day." Nala said.

"Yup. But still, is there anyway you can get Kara to take Mon-El?" She asked.

"No. I mean, it's only suiting that we take him." I said.

"But I mean the babies."  Mrs. Velez said and Nala looked at me.

"Yeah but he can help us. Just for a little while until he's back on his feet." I said.

"Ok, I'll teach him everything." She said as she began to take Brenden out. She then comes over for Mary. Nala looks at her with a hit of sadness. "Nals, you and Winn should go out and enjoy yourselves. You've proven to be a great parent. So before you parent full-time. You need a break hija." She planted a kiss on her. Forehead, "Go out you two." She said as she exited the room.

"Ughhhh fine." Nala said as she laid back down.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, and she smiled.

"Well there is one thing." She said as she then got up and got dressed. She grabbed a clicker and opened a portal. We went through it, it was a closed rink.

"What's this?" I asked and she laughed.

"This Winslow is home of the lady penguins." She said motioning towards the logo.

"Hockey?" I asked.

"Yeah, I played. I also played a bit in college. I was pretty good. But none of the less, I brought you here because I wanted to go ice skating." She said.

"I don't have skates." I said.

"Neither do I but they have open skate today. So come on." She said walking towards the side door. We went outside and went inside. The guy sitting there kind of looked like Santa.

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