The Dawn of the Supers (II)

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We got Nala to the medbay, Catherine and Lena began connecting the machines to Nala.

"Her heart rate is beating extremely fast." Catherine said.

"She showing signs of pain and distress." Lena then said.

"Is she going to be ok?" I asked.

"Winn, it's Nala. She'll be fine." Mon-El said as he then walked out of the room to keep Esme comfortable.

"This doesn't look the best be hopefully this should work." Brainy said as he quickly filled a syringe.

"What is that?" I asked.

"This should have one of two effects. It's very fifty fifty. She made it, a while back ago." Lena said.

"This should either prevent her from having a heart attack or push enough adrenaline through her body to give a bit of a jumpstart." Brainy said as the needle easily went through Nala's skin. Brainy was puzzled, nothing happened. Everything was just the same. "Move out of the way." He said to Catherine and Lena.

"But nothing hap," Catherine started as Nala then shot up and grabbed Brainy and had him pinned against the wall. The machine was beeping like crazy, Nala let Brainy got and fell to the floor, she ripped the chords off of her, rolled on her back and and she was hyperventilating. I walked over towards her, I did one thing that I knew would get her to hold her breath and at least calm her down. I kissed her. She then stopped and cupped my face. "I was almost incorrect." Catherine said. Nala was breathing normally, and I helped her up. A small cut formed over her eyebrow.

"I couldn't reach them." She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The twins. I'm pretty sure she taking their powers away from them. I tried, but I couldn't reach them." She said as her eyes began to water.

"It's ok. They went to go find the imp." Brainy said.

"I'm going." Nala said as she stood up.

"No we can't let you." Lena said.

"Well I have to." Nala said.

"We literally can't let you do that. You're soft, I pierced you with regular metal." Brainy said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I thought I grabbed Kryptonian metal. When indeed I grabbed regular." He explained. Nala looked worrisome. She was making faces.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She blew air, nothing. She then ran, and then she jumped out of the fly gate. I ran after her, I too jumped out.

"Come on, come on." She said. I grabbed her and flew back to the tower. "No. No. No. No." Every "no" was softer than the last. She began sobbing into my chest. I held her tightly for Super Justice is no more.

"What happened?" Kara asked.

"Open her cube." I said to Mon-El. Kara got out and ran over to us.

"It seems Nala no longer has powers." Brainy said, Kara's face went from concerned to as if she had seen a ghost.

"Isn't there a way to get them back?" Kara asked.

"No, they're gone." Nala said in defeat.

"Winn, Mon, we can really used your help." Jude said.

"I have to go back for the twins. This time I have to make it to them." Nala said.

"What if you get hurt, What if I lose you?" I asked.

"Winn. I'll be fine." She reassured me.

"Can you even get back in there?" I asked.

"I can make sure she gets in." Brainy said.

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