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── · .゚☆: 5000 BC :☆゚. · ──

I AWOKE looking around calmly, seeing a long haired, curvy woman.

"It is time." She announced opening her eyes. I could tell she was the leader, a strong one.

We all stood up walking to the sides of all the walls, facing our back towards it. Then dark green and gold armour materialized on to my figure.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

Most of the group were walking around finding our rooms, meeting each other, and such. I was sitting in front the window admiring the colours of this new planet, that could be our new home for centuries.

I play on the floor, using my fingers to make my ring twirl.

"We are needed in the dinning room, dinner is ready." A voice announced behind me, making me slam my hand down on the ring, to stop it from moving.

"Thanks." I said standing up and walking to the door, where the boy was standing.

I passed him heading down to the dinning room, where everyone was already seated. The boy came in a moment after, sitting across the table.

"Alright, since everyone is here now, we will be introducing our selves and our powers." Ajak said taking a sip of water. "I'll start, then go clock wise. I am Ajak and my power is healing."

"Ok, well I am Phastos and I have the power to create anything with well everything." The man said hand together in front of him.

"My name is Aurora, you could call me Rory if I like you as a person. Anyway, I can conjure objects," I told the team once their turn had passed, noticing I had no fork. I quickly conjured one in my hand and place in down.

"Woah..." Kingo gasped, for some reason.

── · .゚☆: TODAY :☆゚. · ──

I was in Canada in the suburbs alone, it's where I've been for about 500 years. Just in a cottage in the middle of a field. The best part about my powers is conjuring money, simply to get food and pay for the land and what not.

I conjured a cup of hot water for my tea, popped the tea bag in, and brought it the the window sill as I sat on the ground spinning my rings again. I was exhausted after killing that deviant out there in the field.

Suddenly a gust of wind came through my window blowing the hair on the top of my head. I jumped to my feet, peering through the glass seeing a jet land on my lawn. I then saw 5 people walk down, out of it. My heart stopped.

It's been 5 centuries since I had seen them why now, was this about the deviant?

I scurried down the stairs to meet them, opening the door leaning on the frame.

"Good to see you Rory! This is Aurora queen of sarcasm and unexpected knife throwing." Kingo yelled turning to a man holding a camera recording Kingo.

"Can't say the same!" I responded, smirking and playing with my rings, a nervous habit I accumulated over the years.

"We need to talk to you." Ikaris said firmly in front of me.

"About what? The deviant I had to kill?" I asked sarcasm dripping in my tone. I know it's about that, what else?

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

"So Olympia isn't real, Ajak is dead, and Ikaris didn't receive the sphere?" I laughed, tearing up.

"Rory, we must hurry and find the others, do you know where Thena and Gilgamesh are?" Sersi asked, getting straight to business.

"Of course, I know where everyone is. They're in Australia." I said sipping my tea leaning in my chair.

"And Druig?" Lazer eyes asked me. My heart skipped a beat, but I played it off.


"Like the online shopping website!?" Kingo yelled from across the room.

"Let me get my shit." I said.

𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐃 - druig ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now