II - Feast

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Arden found himself seated at the table at the beginning of a row of fellow handlers. Each took their time to gawk at him, aside from the handlers opposite them - they handled search Lozenfi. They didn't have time for people like Arden - most people didn't realize, but those handlers were far more important than Colosseum handlers. They never showed up for parties - they had to be there to do a job.

"Mr. Reinbach-" The Seralfi from earlier began, before being quickly cut off.

"Handler Reinbach, to you."

The Seralfi gulped - Arden wasn't sure what had made him snap so quickly, but he didn't apologize. Being called Mister almost seemed like it was intended to insult him.

"S-sorry. Handler Reinbach, I was asking earlier if you could.. mentor me, or at least speak with me for a bit," he asked, his tail twitching behind him - Arden knew that to mean he was nervous.

"Listen, I..." Arden paused, noticing the eyes of the handlers across the table boring into him. "I'm not perfect. I know you're taking my position - Kre'lent, was it?"

"Kre'lest. Handler Kre'lest."

"Right, Handler Kre'lest. All I can tell you is that those Lozenfi aren't sweethearts. They aren't going to love on you and say "oh Mr. Handler we'll listen to anything you say". No. You have to show them you're not afraid of them. You need to be more of a monster than the monsters, okay?"

Handler Kre'lest nodded quickly, looking as if his soul would leave his body.


Arden nodded curtly, noticing the handlers on the other side of the table were examining him quite closely, one woman seeming particularly scornful. He shifted uncomfortably, tapping a hand idly on the table. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when the grand doors opened. The entire room hushed, Arden turning to see what had caused the silence, his mouth still agape.

There stood King Alder, the chandelier's light glinting off of each point adorning his crown. No one dared to stay standing - even those already seated at the table removed themselves and bowed deeply. Arden was no exception.

"At ease," The king said, cape ruffling behind him as he took his seat just next to the head of the table.

Arden was right beside him.

"Handler Reinbach, is it?"

Arden stared at the King - He'd seen him a million times, bowed and nodded a million times, but never - not once - had he been directly spoken to, nor had he been seated at a table directly beside him.


"Oh! Yes, I- I'm Handler Reinbach. At your service, your majesty."

"Splendid. I adore your work, you know."

Arden nodded, unable to find words and instead settling for a very forced smile.

Mother Nefrine clapped her hands, the few partygoers that were still mingling quickly taking their seats. She sat at the head of the table, just beside the King - Arden wondered why his majesty wasn't in that seat, but it wasn't his place to ask questions.

The room was silent once more as the servants brought dishes upon dishes of splendid looking food - roasted boar, duck, beautiful pastries and decadent sides. Everything seemed absolutely perfect, but the dreadful quiet that surrounded everything made it seem like a funeral instead of a celebration.

With bated breath, everyone waited for Mother Nefrine to taste the food. She placed a taste in her mouth, chewed for a moment, then held her hand up - after which the room burst into livelihood, people laughing and joking and all around having a good time. Arden relaxed in his seat, almost forgetting King Alder was seated oh so close to him.

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