XXII - Training

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2 Weeks Later

"See, your problem is you're too focused on Arden's face. I know he's pretty, and yeah it's important to know how your opponent is feeling, but if you're going to be in a real fight you need to focus on more than just that. Try again."

Xym frowned at Lex, rolling his eyes and looking back at Arden. The Sielfi's hands were shaking - he was scared of Lex, but he hadn't said anything. Not a Coward, Xym mused, the frown running away from his face as he gripped the broom handle and stepped back. Kit was watching them quietly, swinging his own small stick as if it were a sword.

"I said, try again."

Arden gulped, shifting his fingers before dashing towards Xym. He smacked his broomstick into the Lozenfi's arm, his target yelling and dropping the broomstick.

"Xym! Are you okay? I'm sorry-" Arden got out,  dropping his own broomstick and grabbing Xym's arm to inspect it.

His look of worry turned to one of realization as a smirk melted across Xym's face. He yelped as Xym twirled him around, forcing his arms behind his back.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Arden yelled, trying to wriggle out of Xym's grasp.

"All's fair in love and war," Lex mused, "but not in training. No real opponent's going to drop everything to check if you're okay, Xym."

"I know," Xym replied, releasing Arden finally.

"Alright. This is what I've got. You," he nodded towards Arden, the Sielfi refusing to meet his gaze as he brushed his arms off, "Are really fast. You can move faster than Xym, but you've got half the strength. Maybe a quarter of the strength. An eighth, even." Lex shifted his wings, looking towards Xym. "And you? You're just that. Big strong scary man. If you really put your mind to it, you might even be able to beat me."

"Bit cocky." Xym replied, shifting his own wings as Kit dropped his stick.

"Mr. Lex? When can I fight?"

Lex smiled at him, crouching and ruffling his hair. Arden frowned when Lex touched him, but didn't make a motion to stop him.

"I'll show you some moves in a bit. Why don't you go ask Ms. Trespie in the cafeteria if she'll bring us all some snacks?" Kit nodded eagerly, smiling before running out the door.

Arden grabbed his broomstick off the floor. "After Kit brings us those snacks, I'll start teaching you how to handle a sword."

Arden giggled, Lex shooting him a glare.

"Begin again."

Arden took a sharp breath, this time waiting for Xym to attack him first. Their broomsticks clashed together, Arden's sliding out as he dashed to the side and cracked Xym on the shoulder. Xym whirled around, jabbing his broomstick forward, but Arden ducked too fast for it to hit him.

"Good, Reinbach! Keep at that! Don't let him get close to you."

Arden nodded at Lex's comment, using his broomstick to deflect a blow from Xym as he jumped back again. He began to retreat, feeling his back press against the wall.

"Get out of the corner, Reinbach! That's the worst place to be - Gods." Lex frowned as the broomstick crashed just above Arden's head.

"Hey! Don't do that! That could really hurt me!"

"If I wanted to hurt you Arden, I would've done so already. Either way, you're cornered, which means I won."

Arden stared at him before dropping to a crouch and jumping out from between his legs.

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