XV - Winter

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3 Months Later

Snowflakes landed gently in Arden's hair, the Sielfi shivering and pulling his scarf higher up over his face.

"I hate winter." He complained, the Seralfi beside him stretching his arms.

"You hate everything, Mr. Reinbach."

"You get a whole bunch of fur for Winter! I don't!"

Quetsan chuckled, running a hand through the grey fluff that encircled his neck. "Sucks to suck."

"Oh, fuck off."

The two made their way into the shop, Arden loosening the scarf again.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" The man behind the counter asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Yes. I'm looking for a new suit-" Quetsan started, "And I'm looking for a coat." Arden finished.

"I'm not sure we carry coats of your... size," the Seralfi man looked down on Arden, Arden just waving his hand dismissively. "It's a gift."

"Ah. Then I'll direct you to that rack," he pointed towards a rack stuffed with coats and winter weather of all sorts, "and if you'll step up on that platform and let me get your measurements, sir, we can get you started."

Arden began to sift through the coats while Quetsan got his measurements taken. They were all markedly fancy. Which would be fine, if he wasn't getting it for a Lozenfi.

"200 crests," he gaped, checking the tag on a coat that just looked like a bigger version of his own.

Finally he found a rather plain coat, just brown on the outside with brass buttons. 75 crests, he read, gulping lightly. It was probably the cheapest thing in the store, anyway. He pulled it off the rack, folding it over his arm.

Quetsan was making small talk with the store owner - or at least, the store runner - so Arden sat down in a rather fancy, if uncomfortable chair, and crossed his legs. The coat would probably be too long for Hyarith, but at least it would fit him.

"We'll get that made for you, Handler Kre'lest," the man announced after about twenty minutes of Arden sitting in a chair twiddling his thumbs.

Arden made his way to the register along with Quetsan, setting the coat on the counter and getting his wallet out. He placed a few bills on the counter, the cashier eyeing him.

"You're getting this as a gift?"

Arden nodded.

"...I'd hate to be your friend."

Arden scoffed, picking the garment up as soon as it was rung up. "You're the one selling it," he replied haughtily, turning away and leaving without even grabbing his change.

"Arden! Wait up!" Quetsan ran out of the store after him. "Come on, you're gonna let that ass get to you? It's a very nice coat."

"Quetsan, I am physically unable to care less about the quality of this coat. And like I said, he's the one selling it." Quetsan chuckled at that, his tail flicking beside him.

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