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"I really don't think I'm ready for this." Arden mumbled.

"Nonsense! I hate you, Reinbach, and even I recognize you're a promising swordsman. Half these people don't have as good a form as you. You just need to work on your endurance. And strength. You're weak." Lex sort of rambled, Xym stepping between the two. "But, still. You two've only sparred with each other. You need variety."

Arden looked out at the maze ahead of them. Other Sielfi, other Lozenfi, all sorts of people clashing mettle and jumping around on the seemingly crudely constructed course. There were crates, slabs of rock, rope ladders - all kinds of things. Despite its crudeness, it was still impressive.

"Here." Lex grabbed a couple of handkerchiefs off of a shelf on the wall. He stuffed one in Xym's waistband, the Lozenfi growling under his breath.

"Let Arden do it himself." He warned.

Lex looked Xym dead in the eyes before shoving the end of the other handkerchief in Arden's pocket. Arden yelped in mild surprise, though he wasn't as mortally terrified of Lex as he used to be.

Arden looked down at the handkerchief, noticing it was a dull yellow, as was Xym's. There were many other dull yellow handkerchiefs tucked into many other waistbands, along with brown and green ones.

"It's your team," Lex answered the unvoiced question. "People with yellow rags are your buddies. The rest want you dead."


Lex barked out a laugh. "I'm just yanking your chain, hah! No. You'll probably get a little banged up, but the chest and neck are off limits. Don't hit anyone there, and no one will hit you there."

Arden wasn't quite sure he understood all the rules, but it seemed like a game children would play - if more violent - so he figured he could catch on pretty quick.

"Good luck!" Lex announced after giving them a moment to think. He swept out of the room soon after.

Arden found himself narrowly dodging a slash to his arm, jumping back to see a Gozine woman. He quickly unsheathed his sword, clashing it against hers.

He'd learned from his multitudes of failed matches with Xym that he couldn't let his opponent back him into a wall. He parried an attack, finding it especially difficult considering she was left handed and he was not, and jumped to the side. He leapt on top of a crate and held his sword out defensively, scowling down at her.

Arden's ears piqued at a light creaking behind him, leading him to brashly swing his sword around. He narrowly missed hitting an Aralfi, his sword swinging over his head.

"Hey! Watch it!"

Arden noted the green handkerchief jutting out of the man's waistband.

"You were sneaking up on me!" He replied, the Aralfi grumbling something before Arden's shirt tail was grabbed. It was untucked from his waistband and he was dragged back, a warm feeling rising to his gills when his back hit the floor.

The woman and the man descended on him, Arden holding up his sword like a shield to block their blows. Their hits felt softer than he'd expected; at least Xym's overwhelming strength had helped him prepare in some way.

Arden kicked out, knocking the man off his feet. It gave him enough time to jump back up, his sword now clashing against the woman's alone.

"Arden! Heads up!"

Arden lifted his head just in time to watch Xym grab his shoulders.

"Don't you dare!" He screamed, the Lozenfi laughing loudly as Arden was lifted off his feet.

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