XXV - Breakaway

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Celan yelled loudly, crumpling around his gills as Arden pressed his foot into them. He pulled the sword from the guard's sheath, brandishing it towards the other three guards that now, likewise, had their swords drawn.

"I'm real sorry," he repeated to the kid, releasing his gills and stepping back. Celan gasped for air, trying to drag himself to his feet.

"Reinbach, are you looking for a trip to the colosseum?" The Arakfi asked, all four of her eyes squinting into a scowl.

"I go there every day, miss. Now get out of my house."

"It doesn't work like that, Mr. Reinbach." She nodded her head forward, the two other guards beginning to encroach upon them - both Gozine.

Arden gulped, stepping back as Celan was finally pulled off the ground by the woman. He swished his sword frantically in front of him.

"Celan, check the basement. I think I saw something through the window slits." The Arakfi requested before joining her Gozine coworkers.

"Mr. Reinbach, we've already got multiple charges we can put you away for. Unless you plan on that Hyarith eating you alive, I suggest you drop that sword and come quietly."

Arden took a deep breath, his grip wavering.

Fast. I'm really fast.

He jumped onto his counter, swinging for the rightmost guard's shoulder and catching his blade on theirs. He jumped over the group before they could grab him, skidding to a halt on his floors. A sword swung dangerously close to his nose; if he hadn't of ducked, it would've taken it off.

Arden began to smile, clashing his sword against all three in succession. He kept them at bay, lightly retreating with each swing until he had his back pressed against the wall.

"Not again," he whispered under his breath, yelping as the Gozine he'd first attacked slashed through his arm. His weapon clattered to the floor as he grabbed the wound, hissing in pain before he was ripped from the wall.

His arms were forced behind his back, much more roughly than when Xym had done a similar thing earlier. He could feel the cuffs closing around his wrists, wincing at how tight they were made.

"Captain! Captain!" Celan yelled, running up the stairs. "Lozenfi- Lozenfi- AGH!"

Arden barely looked in time to watch Celan be shoved into the floor. Xym burst through the doorway, taking nary a moment to assess his surroundings before lunging for the guards.

"Arden, you idiot!" Xym yelled as he ripped the Arakfi woman off of him, pulling him to his feet.

"Jerkoff," Arden mumbled, smirking before shoving his knee into one of the Gozines' groin. They paled, gripping their bits and falling to their knees.

Lyean came running from downstairs, a panicked look on her face. She kicked Celan in the gills, the boy wheezing and cringing up as she bolted for the door.

"Sieze her!" The Arakfi screamed, but the only soldier available was the one remaining Gozine, and she was mostly disposed with trying to help her friend; his jewels got a little mangled.

Xym grabbed Arden, kicking the Arakfi away from him and slinging the Sielfi over his shoulder.

"Gods, you're heavy," Xym complained. Arden shifted uncomfortably, trying to fix himself. He hated the feeling of not being able to move his hands, not being able to hold on; he felt like he'd fall off of Xym at any moment.

"You've carried me a million times before!" Arden retorted, trying to ignore the ache in his shoulders.

Xym didn't respond to him, instead rearing his head and running after Lyean. "Hey! This way!" He yelled, the woman skidding to a stop before turning and running for Xym.

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