XX - Confirmation

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Arden held fast to the dresser, groaning as Xym slipped the shirt over his arm.

"Stop complaining."

"I didn't even say anything!"

"You were thinking it."

Arden grumbled, adjusting himself as he nearly fell again. He gasped when Xym's arm wrapped around his chest, sticking his arm into the other sleeve.

"Can you button it, too?" Arden asked sheepishly.

"And you asked me to treat you like an adult."

"If I move my arms too much, the wounds are gonna reopen."

Xym sighed as Arden leaned against the dresser, beginning to button the shirt from the bottom up.

"Too bad your abs are hidden by the bandages," Xym mumbled, causing Arden's face to go red.


"Hah! You should see the look on your face. Gods, you're fun to fuck with."

"I hate you."

Xym grinned, buttoning the shirt the rest of the way up and brushing Arden's shoulder off. He pressed his hands against either side of Arden, admiring his handiwork.

"You know, you look real handsome in that shirt."

"Are you flirting with me?"

"Maybe." Xym said, a grin spreading across his face.

"I think I liked you better when you hated me."

"I still hate you, no worries," Xym replied, pulling away from the dresser. Arden started to walk towards him, but his knees trembled before buckling. Xym lunged to catch him.



Xym slid his arm underneath Arden's two, holding him up in an attempt to help him walk.

"Ah- Gills- gills-"

Xym lowered him, setting him on the ground before placing a hand on his own chin.

"How are we supposed to get you to Astaeli's court? I think that's what it's called."

"I don't know. I can't walk," Arden grumbled.

"Oh! Idea!"

"This is really embarrassing," Arden mumbled, wrapping his arms around Xym's neck to keep himself stable.

"I'm embarrassed too."

"How so?"

"I've got to carry around a hundred-something pound bag of shit. It probably smells bad to everyone who hasn't gotten used to it."

"Would it pain you greatly to be nice to me?"


Arden huffed, making eye contact with a Gozine that was walking down the hall. He quickly hid his face, not even acknowledging the "good morning" that was said to him.

"Wow, rude."

"You didn't reply to him either."

"He wasn't talking to me."

"Just get us to where we need to be so I can get out of this position."

Xym carried him into the court, pushing open the big cherry doors with his back. Arden's mouth gaped when they entered the room.

A beautiful chandelier hung from the center of the dome ceiling, casting speckles of brilliant yellow light across the entire room. It was like an auditorium, built so that all the seats faced a small desk in the middle. Various people turned to watch the two descend the stairs, some murmuring their approval and others their disdain. Arden shied away from their gazes, pressing his face into Xym's neck.

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