XXVII - Girl

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Arden paced back and forth down the hall, shrugging Xym off of him when he tried to grip his shoulder.

"Arden, calm down. It's okay."

"It's okay? It's okay? I left my entire life behind for this - for you! I had it good, Xym. I had it real good. And now, now there's people rioting in the streets over me! Why didn't they do it over Trestel? Why? Gods, I'm going to rip my teeth out!" He punched the wall, immediately regretting doing so as pain radiated out of his knuckles.

"Don't hurt yourself."

Arden ran his thumb over his knuckles, his bottom lip quivering lightly.

"I didn't want any of this, Xym," he sniveled, Xym sighing and holding his arms out. Arden placed himself against Xym's chest, gladly accepting the hug.

"You're doing the right thing."

"I'm not so sure about that."

Xym clicked his tongue, patting Arden's back in slow, gentle circles.

"Why not?"

Arden gulped, pressing his face deeper into Xym's shirt.

"I don't know."

Xym sighed heavily again, taking one of his hands and running it through the hair on the back of Arden's head. It was soft and clean; perhaps Arden's only beauty.

They sat down on the bed, Xym still cradling Arden, and laid back against the mattress. Usually, Arden would sleep in the baths they kept in the compound, and Xym would stay in the room, but today - today Arden was being clingy. Even more so than usual.

"It's been a whole week, right? Since that all happened? I haven't been outside in a week!"

"And you probably won't be outside for many weeks to come."

Arden groaned loudly, wriggling his arms out so he could wrap them around Xym too.

"I need to do something!"

"Why don't we train?"

"Gods, no!" Arden snapped.

They'd trained every day under Lex and Arei's watchful eyes. His muscles ached just thinking about picking up that sword.

"Why? Scared I'll beat you?" Xym grinned.

"I already know you'll beat me. My legs are so sore."

"How tragic." Xym scoffed, Arden unable to retort before a very quick knocking started at their door.

"Come in!" Arden yelled, their embrace falling so both could watch the door.

"Arden? Xym?" Kit poked his head through the door. Arden sat up, smiling.

"What's up, bud?" Arden asked, leaning his elbows against his knees as Xym also sat up.

"Lex told me to get you two."

"Okay," they answered simultaneously, hopping off the bed. Arden secured his sheath around himself, Xym doing the same, and they followed the kid through the halls.

It was busy out there; people running back and fourth, shouting things, protestors returning and protestors leaving. Everyone was all over the place.

"What'd Lex need?"

"He didn't say. Actually, he just needed you, Arden," Kit looked over his shoulder. "But you don't like Lex."

Arden chuckled nervously. "I-I like him just fine, Kit."

"No you don't."

Arden coughed under his breath, not bothering to contest the kid any further.

They reached a door that was painted a soft green, with chips and cracks falling off of its surface.

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