XXIII - Heart

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Arden pressed his head into the pillow, quietly watching as Xym unbuttoned his shirt and examined his gills.

"They're still scabbed. They'll probably be fully healed in another month," Xym estimated, leaving Arden on the bed and stepping into the bathroom.

Arden stared at the ceiling, listening to the quiet pattering of rain that seeped in from the outdoors. He frowned, closing his eyes and drifting into his own thoughts.

I do love him. He realized, frowning lightly. Xym hadn't left him for something else. Sure, Xym had been less than gentle when they first met, but it made sense. If I was ripped from my brother and made to fight, I'd probably try to hurt my captor too.

But in what way? How do I love him?

Arden considered that Xym may be like a brother to him as well. Maybe that's what this feeling was; just a platonic bond. Nothing more.

He opened his eyes at the sound of the bathroom door, watching Xym exit with a tired look on his face.

"Just go to the tub when you feel well enough to walk," Xym mumbled, climbing into the bed and making his way behind Arden.

No. No, I like him romantically. I want to be with him.

Arden laid there silently, feeling Xym's breaths on the side of his neck. He turned his head, staring at Xym's peaceful expression.


Xym opened his eyes, waiting for Arden to continue.

"Remember how I said I loved you a few weeks ago?"

Xym narrowed his eyes, propping himself up on his elbow. "I do. You said you wanted to get to know me before you decided if you meant it or not."

"I think I know you enough, now," Arden said quietly, his own heartbeat beginning to make itself known in his chest. Xym tilted his head in interest, leaning forward.

"The verdict?" Xym asked, Arden noticing his chest had gone still.

Arden waited, the patter of rain turning deafeningly loud in the silence. The corners of Xym's mouth twitched, his brows drawing together.

"...I meant it."

Xym let out a long sigh, a much more relaxed look crossing his face.

"That's a relief," Xym mumbled. "I think... I think it's safe to say I've grown to love you too."

Arden turned in the bed, so that the rest of him faced Xym, and placed a hand on the Lozenfi's cheek.

"You haven't shaved in a while," he observed.

"Isn't it your job to shave me?"

"I don't know. The stubble looks nice on you."

Xym smiled, leaning forward so that their foreheads touched.


Arden smiled, his heartbeat slowing back down to a reasonable pace. Xym wrapped his arms around him as he placed his head against his collarbone. He felt as if a massive weight had been removed to his chest, and maybe in its place he'd grown wings that would allow him to soar into the sky.

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