XXVI - Servant

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Albie cradled his wrist, looking at the dark red mark that was blooming. His mom had removed herself from his company, instead sitting at the front of the wagon.

He sniveled, pulling his wool gloves back on and looking out the window. He could see the lake rippling far below the bridge, watching people laugh and play on the shore.

"Master Albie?" Came a young, muffled voice.

Albie turned his head to the other window, looking at the girl that was peering in. He waved to her.

She popped open the door, sliding inside. Her wings were huge; they smacked on the door frame when she entered.

"Mistress Beatrice asked me to leave her." She snapped the door shut, sitting beside him. "I don't know why she's so upset today," the girl started, pressing her head against the cushioned seat of the carriage.

"She found the letter I was hiding from her. I wanted to wait till we were with dad, but... yeah." He peeled the glove away from his wrist, looking at the mark again.

"Is Master Atlas kind?"

"Dad?" He looked at her, thoughtful. "Yeah, he's nice. Mom is too when she's happy. She's just... she's easily upset."

The girl nodded, tugging on the thin silver band that had been placed around her neck.

"This thing itches."

"I'd bet. I'm real glad I'm not a Lozenfi." Albie grinned, the girl gasping.

"Meanie! It's not my fault."

"I know, I know," he laughed, adjusting his shirt collar. "Do you want my scarf?"

"What? Why?"

"You look cold. And, I'm not using it."

The girl thought for a moment before nodding. Albie smiled, handing her his dull red scarf. She wrapped it around her neck, sighing.

"Do you ever wish you weren't a Lozenfi?"

"Every day." She replied, letting her wings drape on the seat.


"I don't know. I guess I just - ever since they sent me away from Capital, to live with your family, I- I wanted to know what it was like to go to school, and to- to eat normal food, and have a bed, and- and- and normal clothes! I want to wear normal clothes, not this scratchy dress, and.. and... I don't know."

Albie stared at her, all four of his eyes blinking at once. He frowned, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry, Fins." He said, feeling a bit guilty.

"It's not your fault!" She said starkly, crossing her own arms as the carriage's wheels ground to a halt.

"Everybody out!"

Albie and Fins shared a glance before stepping out of the carriage. Albie was ushered towards the coach driver and his mom when he met the ground. She placed her hand on his shoulder, but he wriggled out of her grasp.

Albie gasped as Fins was shoved away from them, watching the guards grab her arms and rip the scarf away from her neck.

"Papers?" One of the guards asked, Albie turning to watch his mom rifle through her purse.

"Finessia... Servant... 9 years. Alright."

The guard folded the paper he was handed, returning it to the woman.

"Don't cover your servant's collar again. It needs to be plainly visible," one of the guards said, tossing the scarf into the open carriage.

"This is Holdenveere's lot. They can go through," came yet another guard, the coach driver finding his seat again.

A Lesson in AristocracyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz