Season 2, Chapter 16: The Eel Effect

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Season 2, Chapter 16: The Eel Effect

What do you do when the village has a massive outbreak of eel pox?

Well currently, Astrid and I are flying up to get Gothi so she can tell us what to do.

After picking up Gothi, we fly to the academy. As we fly in, the rest of the gang is waiting for us, along with my sick Dad who refuses to rest.

"We've got the list of ingredients." Astrid says.

"And it's a big one." I add.

Gothi, from behind Astrid, unrolls a fairly large scroll.

"Well, then we better get moving." Hiccup says. "That medicine isn't gonna make itself."

"Ugh, I should be going with you." Dad says, following Hiccuo to towards Toothless. "AH-CHOO!!!!"

"Dad, Berk needs a healthy chief." Hiccup starts.

"Not a sick Dragon Rider." I finish.

"We can handle this." We say together.

Dad coughs a bit, before relenting.

"All right. I'll stay here with the rest of the invalids."

Hiccup mounts Toothless and the rest of the gang takes off out of the arena.

"Be safe, kids."

"When are we not safe?" We ask. "Uh, don't answer that!"

And with that, we take off towards Healer's Island.

As we fly over there, I turn to Astrid.

"Aren't Vikings so good at naming islands? You never have to guess who or what lives there. Like hmm, I wonder what is on Healer's Island or Outcast Island. Even Beserker Island."

"The way your brain works will never cease to amaze me." Astrid says amused.

Anyway, after about an hour of flying, we land on Healer's Island. An island home to many medicinal plants.

"Okay, gang, we've got a lot of ground to cover."

"Let's get to work." I say.

We assign everyone a certain number of ingredients to gather, while I sit and wait for the others to return so I can collect them in some saddle bags.

It only takes about a few hours until we collect all the ingredients.

"Think that's everything, right?" I ask, putting the last ingredient in Toothless' saddle bag.

I hear some scratching on the ground, which means that Gothi is writing.

Fishlegs reads the inscription. "She says the last item isn't on Healer's Island. The key ingredient for curing eel pox is a bloodbane eel."

"Where do we find one of those?" Hiccup asks.

There's a brief silence, before Tuff says, "Well, great, cause we're not gonna be able to search the whole ocean this afternoon. We need at least a long weekend for that, you know? Maybe even into Monday night."

Gothi hooks him with her curved staff and pulls him to the ground.

"She says don't interrupt. We have to head North to... Eel Island."

"What was I telling you about how Vikings name islands?" I whisper to Astrid smugly.

She punches my arm, before saying to the group, "Our dragons would never go near Eel Island. They're terrified of eels."

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