Chapter 3 - The Trial of Blood

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         After that incident, Ferret didn't talk to Daffodil again, well, not as friends. They occasionally passed greetings or shared news, but it wasn't the same. Quietfang tried to comfort her. News had spread about Ferret talking of the clan like that and some cats like Cloudfrost and Softwing would talk bad behind her back. Luckily though, most of Forestclan supported her and they knew, 'kits will be kits'.

         Now, it was time for Daffodil's and Ferret's trainee ceremony, and the clan had gathered. As they stepped up to face Ivysting, Ferret smiled to Daffodil, "Good luck." The cream molly just flicked her ear and walked past.

         The empress sat proud on a flat rock as she glared at the kittens, "You two have reached the age of trainees and it is time for you to lend your paw to help the clan. Daffodil, you will still remain with no suffix until you have earned your worth and will stay as Daffodil." Ivysting eyed the cream she-cat demandingly, "I hope in time you will learn that not all is as it seems and good cannot always be found in everyone." Geez Ivysting. Harsh much? Daffodil stood proudly and seemed unaffected as she lifted her tail.

         "Now, Ferret, you've joined Forestclan as a loner but your inner strength is quite visible. Like your friend here, " She flicked her tail to Daffodil and Ferret winced, "You will remain with no suffix until you have earned you worth, though I'm sure your used to going by Ferret?" Ivysting purred at her own snarky comment. "I hope by the time you become a protecter, you'll learn patience, stamina, and thoughtfulness." Is that really what I lack in?

          The clan cheered their new names, and Ivysting whipped her tail to signal silence, "Now it is time for the Trial of Blood!" Blood? No one told me there was going to be this gruesome?! "Daffodil," The empress commanded. The cream molly lifted her paw, pad facing up. Ivysting unsheathed one of her claws and pressed it into Daffodil's paw and blood began pricking. The trainee winced from pain but kept her stance. Forestclan stayed still and silent. Ivysting took her claw out and lifted her head, "If Daffodil is able to continue with her duties and not be weighed down by infection or pain, she is worthy of being a trainee. If not, she will face the Trial of Three."

        "Ferret," The ginger feline nervously lifted her paw. Ivysting pushed her unsheathed claw into Ferret's exposed pad and Ferret wanted to bolt out of the ceremony from the excruciating pain. But, she forced herself to remain still, not wanting to experience whatever the 'Trial of Three' was. The empress continued with the rest of the ceremony, again explaining what Ferret must complete and so on.

         As the ceremony ended and cats began dispersing, Ferret scanned the crowd to spot Daffodil. She bounded up to the molly and pleaded, "Daffy! Please, I'm really sorry! Look, I'm staying. For you."

         "Don't call me that! And get lost Ferret."

Picture above is Ivysting.

Well, what did you think of their ceremony? What do you think the Trial of Three is? Do you think the Trial of Blood is cruel?

Is Daffodil being a jerk? Or does Ferret deserve it?

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