Chapter 14 - opportunities

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         "Where have you been?" chirped Ferretsky playfully to her friend.

         Daffodilspark jumped a little and responded, "Oh, just hunting."

         "Umm, okay. Invite me next time?"

         The cream she-cat just nodded her head, her thoughts astray.

         "Ferret?" the empress cooed, approaching her, "I would like to speak to you."

         The ginger upperfang nodded and signaled her friend good-bye and followed. Daffodilspark looked worried but Ferretsky remained calm. She knew she wasn't in trouble. Ivysting's den was among the the roots that poked out and provided arches and protection. The tree seemed to have been naturally uprooted. They weaved through to a small open place slightly under the tree which held a nest and an assortment of  items.

         Ivysting sat down on her nest, which was made out of the softest materials in the forest and twice as thick as the lowerpaws' nests. She gestured for the ginger tabby to sit down in front.

         "So, I'm sure you remember of the treacherous acts I've announced previously. Well, before you arrived, a couple of nights back, Quietfang our healer received a warning. Keep in mind, a warning, not prophecy so nothing is certain. It was that 'A danger is coming from the deepest burrows'. And I believe that the danger is a certain group of felines attempting to overthrow our order. Yes, yes, I've heard rumors, some from our trusted council member, Aldertwig."

         Ferretsky frowned, "So you're saying I have something to do with this?"

         The empress laughed, "Of course you do. Why else would we have received it so near to when you would join? Coincidence, I think not. I believe you will be the one to stop this treasonous group. By starting, you must find their leader! And perhaps, I can reward you with a spot in my council. And you know what that means."

         "I can have a chance to become empress!" the upperfang exclaimed, grinning.

         "Yes, after my unfortunate death, I would like someone who shares my beliefs and ideas. Whether that be Aldertwig or you."

         "Why not Cherrybee?"

         Ivysting seemed to blank for a moment, perhaps visiting some memories, "Alas, we are not on the same terms anymore. A promise was broken." She snapped out of her fond voice for her past friend and smiled mischievously, "I trust you with this job Ferretsky, and I know you'll succeed. Good luck, and I'll be speaking with you again soon." She flicked her tail as a sign of dismissal and Ferretsky respectfully dipped her head and left.

         She eyed her clanmates suspiciously, Traitors it seems. She licked her chops and smiled, This will be fun.

Picture above is Ripplespots.

Sorry for not updating in a while. 

This chapter dumped a bunch of information, and gave the story some sort of lead. Who do you think is the leader?

What do you think of Daffodil's odd behavior?

Do you believe Ferret will become empress?

And do you agree with the warning's depiction.

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